What is an example of ardor?

What is an example of ardor?

The definition of ardor is a way of feeling or acting that is energetic and exciting. An example of ardor is a passionate speech. Emotional warmth; passion. An example of ardor is wanting to kiss a person with passion.

What does ardor mean?

1a : an often restless or transitory warmth of feeling the sudden ardors of youth. b : extreme vigor or energy : intensity the ardor of a true believer. c : zeal.

How do you use assuage in a sentence?

Assuage sentence example. I did what little I could to assuage my guilt. He tried to assuage the guilt of wrongdoing by doing right. He was able to assuage the bad feelings.

What is assuage and example?

Assuage is defined as to make better or lessen. An example of something that a nurse might assuage is someone’s pain with the distribution of medicine. The definition of assuage is to fulfill the needs of. An example of something that you may assuage is your need for sleep.

What does assuage mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to lessen the intensity of (something that pains or distresses) : ease unable to assuage their grief. 2 : pacify, quiet …

What does beguiling mean?

: agreeably or charmingly attractive or pleasing a beguiling manner a beguiling aroma …

Can you assuage someone?

to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate: to assuage one’s grief; to assuage one’s pain. to appease; satisfy; allay; relieve: to assuage one’s hunger.

What is most likely to assuage an angry customer?

If you assuage an unpleasant feeling, you make it go away. Assuaging your hunger by eating a bag of marshmallows may cause you other unpleasant feelings. The most common things that we assuage are fears, concerns, guilt, grief, anxiety, and anger.

What does disconcerting mean?

1 : to throw into confusion disconcerting their plans. 2 : to disturb the composure of were disconcerted by his tone of voice.

Is dictum a saying?

noun, plural dic·ta [dik-tuh], dic·tums. an authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion. a saying; maxim. obiter dictum.

What is a dictum example?

“You are what you eat” is a dictum, and so is a law requiring you to curb your dog. A dictum is a formal pronouncement, a rule, or a statement that expresses a truth universally acknowledged.

What does didactic mean in English?

1a : designed or intended to teach. b : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment didactic poetry. 2 : making moral observations.

Who is a didactic person?

When people are didactic, they’re teaching or instructing. This word is often used negatively for when someone is acting too much like a teacher.

What is another word for didactic?

SYNONYMS FOR didactic 2 pedantic, preachy, donnish, pedagogical.

What is an example of didactic?

The definition of didactic is used for teaching. An example of didactic is a lesson plan consisting of a lecture, large group discussions and a project. (medicine) Teaching from textbooks rather than laboratory demonstration and clinical application.

Is a text always didactic?

Didactic text is instructional, not always preachy. Before how-to videos and self-help books came fables, myths, and proverbs. Literature that has an ethical message among its themes can be didactic, just as straightforward second-person instructional text can.

What is the opposite of didactic?

didactic. Antonyms: unsound, misinstructive, erroneous, pernicious, misleading. Synonyms: instructive, directive, moral.

What is the difference between pedantic and didactic?

Didactic can have a neutral meaning of “designed or intended to teach people something,” but often didactic is used when the lesson being taught is annoying or unwanted—such as an attempt to school people on what’s proper or moral. ‘Pedantic’ describes a particular kind of annoying person.

Is pedantic an insult?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What is a pedantic person called?

A pedant is a person who is excessively concerned with formalism, accuracy, and precision, or one who makes an ostentatious and arrogant show of learning.

What is an example of pedantic?

The definition of pedantic is someone who is very concerned with the details of a subject and tends to overly show off their knowledge. An example of someone who is pedantic is a person at a party who bores everyone while talking at length about the origin and details of a particular piece of pottery.

How do you know if you are pedantic?

Pedantic people show off their knowledge by correcting small errors that do not matter in the grand scheme of things. They often use big words in situations where they are not appropriate. They are sticklers for precise details to the point of being tiresome.

How do you use the word pedantic?

Pedantic in a Sentence ?

  1. Sometimes, Jason is so pedantic in writing the perfect paper that he forgets to properly manage his time.
  2. As a grammar teacher, it is hard for me to not review everything with a pedantic eye.

What is a loquacious?

· Words. Loquacious is an adjective we use to describe someone who talks easily, fluently, and a lot.

What is an example of ardor?

What is an example of ardor?

The definition of ardor is a way of feeling or acting that is energetic and exciting. An example of ardor is a passionate speech. Emotional warmth; passion. An example of ardor is wanting to kiss a person with passion.

What does ardor mean?

1a : an often restless or transitory warmth of feeling the sudden ardors of youth. b : extreme vigor or energy : intensity the ardor of a true believer. c : zeal.

How do you use assuage in a sentence?

Assuage sentence example. I did what little I could to assuage my guilt. He tried to assuage the guilt of wrongdoing by doing right. He was able to assuage the bad feelings.

What is an adjective for ardor?

ardent. Full of ardor; fervent, passionate. Burning; glowing; shining.

What does sagacious mean?

1a : of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment : discerning sagacious judge of character. b : caused by or indicating acute discernment sagacious purchase of stock. 2 obsolete : keen in sense perception.

Who is a sagacious person?

Use the formal adjective sagacious to describe someone who is wise and insightful like an advisor to the president or a Supreme Court justice. Someone like an inspirational leader or an expert in a field who seeks knowledge and has foresight can be described as sagacious.

How do you use sagacious?

Sagacious in a Sentence ?

  1. Wise and full of insight, the sagacious leader would live on to better the world.
  2. Many agree that replacing typewriters with computers is a sagacious idea because computers make typing, editing, and proofreading easier.
  3. I saw this sagacious dog on television that could add and subtract numbers!

What is another word for sagacious?

Some common synonyms of sagacious are astute, perspicacious, and shrewd. While all these words mean “acute in perception and sound in judgment,” sagacious suggests wisdom, penetration, and farsightedness.

What is an all knowing person called?

A pantomath is a person who wants to know or knows everything. In theory, a pantomath is not to be confused with a polymath in its less strict sense, much less with the related but very different terms philomath and know-it-all.

What does irrefutable mean in English?

: impossible to refute : incontrovertible irrefutable proof. Other Words from irrefutable Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About irrefutable.

What is sanguine color?

Sanguine (/ˈsæŋɡwɪn/) or red chalk is chalk of a reddish-brown colour, so called because it resembles the colour of dried blood. It has been popular for centuries for drawing (where white chalk only works on coloured paper). The word comes via French from the Italian sanguigna and originally from the Latin “sanguis”.

What is the synonym of sanguine?

SYNONYMS. optimistic, bullish, hopeful, buoyant, positive, disposed to look on the bright side, confident, cheerful, cheery, bright, assured.

What does naturally sanguine mean?

Sanguine comes from the French word “sang” meaning “blood” So a face that is sanguine has a ruddy look(flushed look) to its complexion. A naturally sanguine look means that his face was always this way.

What word is opposite of sanguine?

sanguineverb. Antonyms: gloomy, blue, pessimistic.

What word is opposite of lavish?

Antonyms for lavish insufficient, mean, economical, lacking, reasonable, depressed, wanting, saving, scarce, austere, thrifty, destitute, scanty, spare, moderate, poor, sparse, stingy, barren, small.

How do you use sanguine in a sentence?

(1) He seemed quite sanguine about his chances of success. (2) They are less sanguine about the company’s long-term prospects. (3) They are less sanguine about the prospects for peace. (4) He’s remarkably sanguine about the problems involved.

Is Sanguinely a word?

adjective. cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: a sanguine disposition; sanguine expectations. reddish; ruddy: a sanguine complexion. (in old physiology) having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful, etc.

What’s another word for hopefully?

What is another word for hopefully?

expectantly confidently
optimistically wishfully
intently sanguinely
anticipatingly desirously
eagerly keenly

What is something you feel sanguine about?

If you are sanguine about something, you are cheerful and confident that things will happen in the way you want them to. He’s remarkably sanguine about the problems involved. Synonyms: cheerful, confident, optimistic, assured More Synonyms of sanguine. More Synonyms of sanguine. You may also like.

Who should a phlegmatic marry?

The best temperament match for the phlegmatics in a marriage relationship is one between a, phlegmatic man with a choleric wife that has at least 45 percent sanguine traits, who’ll always motivate him, or a phlegmatic wife and choleric husband that possesses little characteristics of the melancholy.

Are Phlegmatics lazy?

They are capable of making great sacrifices, even to the point of heroism if called for, but because of their reserved and somewhat lazy nature, they may lack enthusiasm. They avoid difficulties rather than attacking them head on and normally attain to their goals once they set themselves to the task.

What is an example of ardor?

What is an example of ardor?

The definition of ardor is a way of feeling or acting that is energetic and exciting. An example of ardor is a passionate speech. Emotional warmth; passion. An example of ardor is wanting to kiss a person with passion.

What does ardor mean?

1a : an often restless or transitory warmth of feeling the sudden ardors of youth. b : extreme vigor or energy : intensity the ardor of a true believer. c : zeal.

What is the synonym of ardor?

Some common synonyms of ardor are enthusiasm, fervor, passion, and zeal.

How do you use assuage in a sentence?

Assuage sentence example

  1. I did what little I could to assuage my guilt.
  2. He tried to assuage the guilt of wrongdoing by doing right.
  3. He was able to assuage the bad feelings.
  4. He made a mental note to send a piece of jewelry to her hotel room to assuage guilt over the promised phone call that would never happen.

What is assuage and example?

Assuage is defined as to make better or lessen. An example of something that a nurse might assuage is someone’s pain with the distribution of medicine. The definition of assuage is to fulfill the needs of. An example of something that you may assuage is your need for sleep.

Can you assuage someone?

to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate: to assuage one’s grief; to assuage one’s pain. to appease; satisfy; allay; relieve: to assuage one’s hunger.

What means cacophony?

1 : harsh or jarring sound : dissonance sense 2 specifically : harshness in the sound of words or phrases.

What is most likely to assuage an angry customer?

If you assuage an unpleasant feeling, you make it go away. Assuaging your hunger by eating a bag of marshmallows may cause you other unpleasant feelings. The most common things that we assuage are fears, concerns, guilt, grief, anxiety, and anger.

What to say if a customer is angry?

Any of these phrases — spoken or written — can help:

  • I’m sorry for this trouble.
  • Please tell me more about …
  • I can understand why you’d be upset.
  • This is important — to both you and me.
  • Let me see if I have this right.
  • Let’s work together to find a solution.
  • Here’s what I’m going to do for you.

What do you say to a difficult customer?

Guest Post: What to Say to an Angry Customer

  • I hear you.
  • Thanks for being straight with me.
  • Sometimes we fail.
  • You have the right to be angry.
  • You’re right .
  • That must have been frustrating .
  • If I were in your shoes, I’d feel the same way .
  • I’m going to do my best to help you .

What does Niagara Falls stand for?

The generally accepted meaning is, “The Strait”. Some think it was derived from the narrow waterway that flows north from Lakes Erie to Lake Ontario.

Why is language so important to Quebec?

The French language is an important part of Quebec’s cultural identity. Learning English is not encouraged by the government. These days, in Montreal, people will speak English to an Anglophone when they can. One exemption is for children who are in Quebec temporarily.

Can I live in Montreal without speaking French?

Montreal itself is a bilingual city – you can live here perfectly happily speaking no French at all, and many people do. But if you’re going to leave the island, or try to interact with the government, you’re going to have a long day.

Can you live in Quebec without speaking French?

So yes, you can live in Quebec without speaking one word of french. But you won’t have a lot of respect from french-canadian and understandably so since most people usually adapts to where they move. How is Quebec City close-minded?

Can I live in Canada if I don’t speak French?

You do not need to speak French to live in Canada, because most provinces have an English-speaking majority. But if you can speak French, it will open more doors for you socially and professionally.