What is an example of onomatopoeia in the House on Mango Street?

What is an example of onomatopoeia in the House on Mango Street?

8. Write a sentence about the noise in the hallways during passing period that contains an onomatopoeia: Example: I heard the wood break with a loud “crack!”

What figurative language is used in the House on Mango Street?

Figurative language is used frequently in The House of Mango Street, most notably in the chapter, “Hair”. Four common forms of figurative language are metaphor, simile, personification, and hyperbole….Activity Overview.

Type Definition Example
Simile a comparison using the words “like” or “as” The thorn cut like a razor.

What literary devices are used in the House on Mango Street?

Terms in this set (13)

  • DRAMATIC IRONY. Example: When Aunt Lupe tells Esperanza that writing will keep her “free,” Esperanza is unaware of what she means, but the readers know that Lupe’s words are true.

What are some personifications in the House on Mango Street?

Terms in this set (16) Windows so small you’d think they were holding their breath. My papa’s hair is like a broom. My mother’s hair…is the warm smell of bread before you bake it. Two girls raggedy as rats live across the street.

What is a metaphor in House on Mango Street?

In The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, the house itself is a metaphor. “It’s small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you’d think they were holding their breath” (page 4).

Can’t you see they smell like a broom meaning?

“Don’t talk to them, says Cathy. Can’t you see they smell like a broom.” This is saying that Cathy sees the two girls as a joke she looks down on them.

What does a place by the window mean?

Answer: Having “a place by the window” means standing still while watching life go by.

What does diseases have no eyes mean?

Only $3.99/month. What does Esperanza mean when she says “disease have no eyes”? She meant that people don’t know when disease is going to attack you.

What is an example of imagery in the House on Mango Street?

In Chapter 4, “My Name,” Esperanza says her name is “a muddy color” (10). These two sentences are also examples of imagery, as they use sensory details, such as the sound and feeling of tin and the softer feeling of silver, to describe Esperanza’s name.

What do the trees symbolize in the House on Mango Street?

Trees. Esperanza expresses respect and admiration for trees throughout The House on Mango Street, and her affection stems from her identification with their appearance, resilience, and independence.

What do hips symbolize in the House on Mango Street?

Summary: “Hips” Lucy says that hips are for dancing, while Nenny, who is too young to understand what it’s like to develop hips, says that without them, you might turn into a man.

How would you describe Sally in The House on Mango Street?

Sally seems to be beautiful and cruel, like the women Esperanza admires in movies. She leans against the fence at school and doesn’t talk to anyone.

Why is Sally important in House on Mango Street?

Sally becomes an important figure for Esperanza, as she represents a kind of sexual maturity that Esperanza finds intriguing. Sally appears to have retained her autonomy while still being desirable to boys, and Esperanza wants to befriend Sally and learn her ways.

What Sally said about?

Summary: “What Sally Said” She tells Esperanza that one time her father beat her with his hands instead of with a belt. Sally’s father is afraid she’ll run off with a man and bring shame to the family like his sisters did. He beats her with a belt and then with his fists.

Why does Sally lie to Esperanza?

“What Sally Said” What does Esperanza know? Sally says that her father never hits her hard, and she lies when she says her bruises come from falling down the stairs. Esperanza knows that Sally’s father beats her. 2.

What does Sally do all day why?

What does Sally do all day? Sally looks at all the things she and her husband own. She sits at home all day because she is afraid to go out without her husband’s permission.

What lesson does Esperanza learn from Sally?

What lesson does Esperanza learn from Sally? She learns that there are other people who are alone and that want to leave Mango Street. To appreciate her family for the fact that they accept her.

What will make Mango Street better who will make it better?

Alicia says “like it or not you are Mango Street,” but Esperanza vows to never return until somebody makes Mango Street better. Alicia asks her who will make it better, and she suggests the mayor.

Why is Esperanza jealous of Alicia?

Esperanza is jealous of Alicia because she has a town to call home, Guadalajara, and she will return there someday. Alicia observes that Esperanza already has a home. But Esperanza shakes her head. She does not want to have lived in the house for a year, or to come from Mango Street.

What makes Esperanza happy?

Esperanza finds happiness dancing with her uncle; it helps her forget her worries and find the beauty in herself. At the party, everyone except Esperanza is having a good time. She feels out of place in her new clothes and old shoes.

How old is Esperanza at the end of The House on Mango Street?

approximately twelve-year-old

Is there really a house on Mango Street?

In 1965, an eleven-year-old Sandra Cisneros and her family moved into the residence at 1525 N. Campbell Avenue. This address was one of Cisneros’ multiple childhood residences and is said to have been the real-life inspiration for the house on Mango Street, from which the book receives its title.

Who dies in the House on Mango Street?

Five people die in The House on Mango Street: Angel Vargas, Esperanza’s grandfather, Aunt Lupe, Geraldo, and Rachel and Lucy’s baby sister.

Why is The House on Mango Street Banned?

The House on Mango Street was banned by Arizona schools. The House on Mango Street was one of the books targeted by the ban, which was enacted on the grounds that such reading material encourages skepticism against American values.

Who gets abused in the House on Mango Street?

In The House on Mango Street, women are abused. Esperanza’s great grandma is kidnapped. Rafaela and Sally are both basically imprisoned in their apartments by their husbands. Sally is also abused by her dad.

Why does Esperanza’s father cry?

E’s father cries because his father has died. Aunt Lupe dies. E thinks she should go to hell because she and her friends were making fun of Lupe the day before she died. E would read to Lupe and even read her one of her own poems.

Who is Rapunzel Why would Rafaela wish that she had hair like Rapunzel?

Rapunzel is a fairy tail character. Rafaela wishes to have hair like hers so that she can get out of her house in which her husband has locked her in, and do the things that she wants to do.

Does Esperanza marry Miguel?

Eventually, though, Esperanza realized that she and Miguel could never get married, because she was the daughter of the ranch owner, and he was the son of a housekeeper.

Why does Esperanza lie about her home?

Why does Esperanza lie about her home? The humiliating experience Esperanza endures with the nun is similar to experience in chapter 1, because in both cases, she was ashamed of her house.