What is another name for forum?

What is another name for forum?

Synonyms of forum

  • colloquy,
  • conference,
  • council,
  • panel,
  • panel discussion,
  • parley,
  • round-robin,
  • roundtable,

What is an antonym for opinion?

Antonyms: denial, disbelief, dissent, distrust, doubt, doubt, incredulity, infidelity, misgiving, rejection, skepticism, suspicion, unbelief. Synonyms: assent, assurance, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, credit, creed, doctrine, faith, reliance, trust.

What is an antonym for ease?

easenoun. Antonyms: constraint, difficulty, discomfort, uneasiness, awkwardness. Synonyms: facility, easiness, repose, quiescence, comfort, tranquillity, contentment, peace, serenity, unrestraint, informality, abandon.

What does unease mean?

: mental or spiritual discomfort: such as. a : vague dissatisfaction : misgiving. b : anxiety, disquiet. c : lack of ease (as in social relations) : embarrassment.

What is another word for uneasiness?

What is another word for uneasiness?

anxiety apprehension
worry agitation
disquiet nervousness
perturbation apprehensiveness
disquietude fear

What is another word for unease?

Synonyms & Antonyms of unease

  • agita,
  • agitation,
  • anxiety,
  • anxiousness,
  • apprehension,
  • apprehensiveness,
  • care,
  • concern,

What kind of word is uneasiness?

adjective, un·eas·i·er, un·eas·i·est. not easy in body or mind; uncomfortable; restless; disturbed; perturbed. not easy in manner; constrained; gauche; stilted. not conducive to ease; causing bodily discomfort.

Is Uneased a word?

No, uneased is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is unease a feeling?

If you have a feeling of unease, you feel anxious or afraid, because you think that something is wrong.

What is another word for instinctively?

What is another word for instinctively?

automatically intuitively
spontaneously impulsively
unconsciously reflexively
unthinkingly innately
by birth inspiredly

What is the closest meaning of instinctively?

Some common synonyms of instinctive are automatic, impulsive, mechanical, and spontaneous. While all these words mean “acting or activated without deliberation,” instinctive stresses action involving neither judgment nor will. blinking is an instinctive reaction.

What does unobtrusively mean?

: not obtrusive : not blatant, arresting, or aggressive : inconspicuous.

What does Unobstructive mean?

unobstructive in British English (ˌʌnəbˈstrʌktɪv) adjective. not causing or constituting an obstruction.

Is obtrusively a word?

Meaning of obtrusively in English. in a way that is too noticeable: Her clothes are sometimes obtrusively showy.