What is another name for nouns?

What is another name for nouns?

Noun Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for noun?

name nameword
naming word noun substantive
substantive substantive noun
appellation denomination

What word can I use instead of another?

What is another word for another?

second additional
fresh new
supplemental supplementary
other more
farther spare

What is the antonym of another?

What is the opposite of another?

only singular
sole one
solitary lone
single one and only
only possible solo

What’s another word for and?

What is another word for and?

furthermore moreover
otherwise over and above
in conjunction with along
and all in the same way
besides that in a similar manner

What’s another word for complete opposite?

What is another word for exact opposite?

antithesis opposite
reverse converse
antipode contrary
inverse obverse
contrast counter

What is the antonym of hilarious?

upset, cheerless, tragic, dull, humorless, heavy, dramatic, discouraged, humourless, lifeless, solemn, somber, unamusing, morose, depressing, staid, unfunny, uncomical, sober, sad, melancholy, unhumorous, unenthusiastic, gloomy, lethargic, grave, depressed, inactive, serious, blah, sorrowful, worried, unhappy.

Is typical an antonym for the word incredible?

What is the opposite of incredible?

unspectacular bad
middling uninteresting
insignificant normal
usual common
typical regular

What is the root word of incredible?

The Latin root credere means believe. Slap an in in front of that root, and something incredible is hard to believe. Definitions of incredible. adjective. beyond belief or understanding.

What is the noun of incredible?

incredibility. The quality of being incredible; incredibleness. That which is incredible.

What is the verb for fun?

funned; funning. Definition of fun (Entry 2 of 3) intransitive verb. : to indulge in banter or play : joke.

What is the verb form of delightful?

delight is the verb of delightful.

Which noun is delight?

Joy; pleasure. Something that gives great joy or pleasure.

Is delight a verb or noun?

delighted; delighting; delights. Definition of delight (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to take great pleasure delighted in playing the guitar. 2 : to give keen enjoyment a book certain to delight.

What is the adjective of delight?

delightsome. Characterised or marked by delight; very pleasing; delightful.

Is delight an abstract noun?

Answer. Answer: Abstract noun of delightful is delight.

Is delight an abstract or concrete noun?

The abstract nouns of ‘bitter,’ ‘charming’ and ‘delightful’ are ‘bitterness,’ ‘charm’ and ‘delight’ respectively.

What is the abstract noun for generous?


What is the abstract noun of Quick?

Explanation: The abstract noun of the word ‘quick’ is ‘quick’. ‘Quick’ is a verb that is used in the sentence to denote the action done. The adverb form of ‘quick’ is ‘quickly’.

What is the abstract noun for just?


What is the abstract noun of serve?


What is the abstract noun for cruel?


What type of noun is cruelty?

(uncountable) An indifference to suffering or positive pleasure in inflicting suffering. (countable) A cruel act.

What is the abstract noun of behave?


What is the abstract noun for coward?
