What is another name for the shuttlecock?

What is another name for the shuttlecock?

A shuttlecock (also called a bird or birdie) is a high-drag projectile used in the sport of badminton.

What is ho French?

[aʃo] abbreviation for. (= hors œuvre) labour not included (on invoices)

How do you express French surprise?

Use “oh la vache!”, or simply “la vache!”, to express surprise or admiration.

How do you show surprise in text?

Ways of saying that you are surprised or shocked – thesaurus

  1. funnily enough. phrase.
  2. you don’t say. phrase.
  3. heavens above. phrase.
  4. Well, I never (did) phrase.
  5. is that a fact? phrase.
  6. you would not believe. phrase.
  7. of all things/people/places. phrase.
  8. now I’ve seen everything/it all. phrase.

How do you show disgust in writing?


  1. curled upper lip.
  2. narrowed or partly closed eyes;
  3. side-to-side head-shakes;
  4. protrusions of the tongue.
  5. guttural sounds (“ach” or “ugh”)
  6. nose is drawn up and wrinkled.
  7. sneers or snarls at another.

How do you express your emotions in writing?

5 Ways to Process Your Emotions Through Writing

  1. Write about experiencing the feelingin third person.
  2. Write about yourmemories.
  3. Give the emotion to a character.
  4. Write about your feelings regularly.
  5. Write about your emotion like you’re writing a children’s book.

How do you describe feeling disgust?

Contemptible, despicable, low, disgustingly. Causing sickness or disgust. Abomination is defined as something or someone that is hated. Antipathy is defined as a strong feeling of opposition or dislike.

How do you show instead of tell?

Here’s how to show don’t tell in writing:

  1. Understand what show don’t tell means.
  2. Learn from examples of showing versus telling.
  3. Cut the “sensing” words to show don’t tell.
  4. Avoid emotional explaining when showing not telling.
  5. Describe body language.
  6. Use strong verbs to show don’t tell.
  7. Focus on describing senses.

What is showing not telling in writing?

“Show, don’t tell” is a writing technique that allows the reader to experience expository details of the story through actions, sensory details, words, or the expression of characters’ emotions, as opposed to through the author’s own description of events.

What are show not tell sentences?

Show, don’t tell is a writing technique in which story and characters are related through sensory details and actions rather than exposition. It fosters a style of writing that’s more immersive for the reader, allowing them to “be in the room” with the characters.

What are showing sentences?

Show, don’t tell. In a nutshell, showing is about using description and action to help the reader experience the story. Telling is when the author summarizes or uses exposition to simply tell the reader what is happening.

How do you show not sad?

The standard rule is this: “show, don’t tell.” Instead of telling your reader that Jane is “sad,” show the reader by describing Jane’s demeanor, her tears, etc. You’re supposed to allow the reader to experience Jane’s sadness with her.

Why is it important to show not tell?

Show, don’t tell is a technique used in various kinds of texts to allow the reader to experience the story through action, words, thoughts, senses, and feelings rather than through the author’s exposition, summarization, and description.

How do you show disappointment in writing?

Disappointment might be demonstrated in many ways, including:

  1. Avoiding eye contact.
  2. Biting one’s nails.
  3. Biting or chewing on one’s mustache.
  4. Chewing on one’s lip.
  5. Covering one’s face with hands.
  6. Crinkled eyes.
  7. Exhaling noisily through one’s pursed lips.
  8. Frowning or scowling.

How do you show not your college essay?

The “Show, Don’t Tell” College Essay Primer

  1. Choose Your Prompt. Most likely, you will be responding to essay prompts for the Common Application.
  2. Show Don’t Tell. Another important factor is making sure your essay is not a drag to read—it needs to come to life!
  3. Be Descriptive.
  4. Wrapping Up.

How do you show fear in writing?

B) Body Language

  1. Hunching shoulders.
  2. Shrinking away.
  3. Open mouth.
  4. Wide eyes.
  5. Shaking.
  6. Trembling.
  7. Freezing.
  8. Wrapping arms around oneself.

How do you describe being nervous?

Everyone experiences nervousness at one time or another. It feels like a combination of anxiety, dread, and excitement all at once. Your palms may get sweaty, your heart rate may increase, and you may feel that fluttery nervous stomach feeling.

How do you explain being scared?

Here are 20 ways of expressing fear:

  1. afraid of your own shadow – nervous/timid/easily frightened.
  2. shaking like a leaf – to tremble with fear.
  3. quaking in your boots – trembling with fear.
  4. heebie jeebies – a state of fear/discomfort/nervousness.
  5. scared out of one’s wits – extremely frightened.

How do you write someone who is scared?

How do I describe… Afraid/Scared

  1. Intense. I steady my breath and try to calm the panic.
  2. Vivid. The color quickly drained from his face.
  3. Spellbinding. He could no longer control his hands; they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm.
  4. Fascinating.
  5. Full Examples.

How do you express fear in a positive way?

Shivering is the most effective and natural method because fear is just physical energy in the body. Act like a scared dog at the veterinarian when you feel the bodily sensations of fear – heart racing, hands freezing, solar-plexus tightening.

Is everyone afraid of something?

Everyone is afraid of something. Whether these fears are rational or a product of some long-buried trauma can vary from person to person. Whatever the root cause, many people all over the world experience the same fear for various reasons.

What is a metaphor for Scared?

To have your socks scared off is another saying that expresses that you were extremely scared. We can also say something exciting knocked our socks off. It sounds like a bizarre saying.