What is another term for resources?

What is another term for resources?

In this page you can discover 48 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for resource, like: supply, stock, product, wealth, help, capital, relief, recourse, device, fortune and source.

What is the antonym for resource?

Antonyms of RESOURCE weakness, debt, inability, lack, permanent, ignorance, product, impotence, poverty, compulsion, incompetence, necessity.

What is another word for sourced?

What is another word for sourced?

acquired derived
obtained procured
accessed appropriated
attained collected
gained gathered

What do you mean by resources?

a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed. resources, the collective wealth of a country or its means of producing wealth. Usually resources. money, or any property that can be converted into money; assets.

What is resource give an example?

Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided, it is technologically accessible, economically . feasible and culturally acceptable can be termed as Resource. Examples, coal, water, air, minerals, etc.

What is Resource answer in one word?

Resource refers to all the materials available in our environment which help us to satisfy our needs and wants. Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability — they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. An item becomes a resource with time and developing technology.

What is resource and example?

The definition of a resource is something that is ready to use if or when it is needed. An example of resource is extra money in a savings account. An example of resource is a friend with electrical skills who has volunteered to help install a lighting fixture. An example of resource is spring water on a piece of land.

What is resource and its types?

A resource is a physical material that humans need and value such as land, air, and water. Renewable resources include timber, wind, and solar while nonrenewable resources include coal and natural gas. Explore resource types with this curated collection of classroom resources.

What is resource give two examples?

What are the types of resource?

Resources are usually classified into three types, viz. natural, human made and human resources. Natural Resource: Resources which are obtained from nature are called natural resources. Some of the natural resources can be used directly, while for using some others we need the help of some technologies.

What are the 7 types of resources?

Resources are things we need to get a job done. Every technological system makes use of seven types of resources: people, information, materials, tools and machines, energy, capital, and time.

What are the 2 types of resources?

Anything from air to gold is all resources. Let us take a look at the two broad types of resources – natural resources and man-made resources.

What are 4 types of resources?

There are four categories of resources, or factors of production:

  • Natural resources (land)
  • Labor (human capital)
  • Capital (machinery, factories, equipment)
  • Entrepreneurship.

What are some examples of human resources?

How Does Human Resources Work?

  • Compensation and benefits.
  • Recruiting and hiring employees.
  • Onboarding.
  • Performance management.
  • Training.
  • Organization development and culture.

What are labor resources?

Noun. 1. labor resources – resources of available manpower. resource – available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed.

What are the uses of resources?

Common Materials We Use from the Earth

Common Object Natural Resources Used
Household Electricity Coal, natural gas, solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power.
Paper Trees; Sunlight Soil.
Houses Trees for timber. Rocks and minerals for construction materials, for example, granite, gravel, sand.

What are the most important resources?

  1. Water. Like soil, water is one of the most important natural resources for the existence of life.
  2. Soil.
  3. Timber.
  4. Salt.
  5. Oil.
  6. Natural Gas.
  7. Coal.
  8. Iron.

Why are resources so important?

Resources are important for the development of any country. For example, to generate energy, one need fossil fuels; and for industrial development, we require mineral resources. Natural resources are getting scarce with the increasing population, so it is essential to conserve them.

What is the main purpose of resource?

Answer. An economic or productive factor required to accomplish an activity, or as means to undertake an enterprise and achieve desired outcome. Three most basic resources are land, labor, and capital; other resources include energy, entrepreneurship, information, expertise, management, and time.

What natural resources will run out first?

Here are six already under severe pressure from current rates of consumption:

  1. Water. Freshwater only makes 2.5% of the total volume of the world’s water, which is about 35 million km3.
  2. Oil. The fear of reaching peak oil continues to haunt the oil industry.
  3. Natural gas.
  4. Phosphorus.
  5. Coal.
  6. Rare earth elements.

Will we ever run out of oil?

It is predicted that we will run out of fossil fuels in this century. Oil can last up to 50 years, natural gas up to 53 years, and coal up to 114 years. Yet, renewable energy is not popular enough, so emptying our reserves can speed up.

What would happen if we ran out of all energy resources?

Plants. Like trees, plants feed us and give us the oxygen we breathe—and if they were to run out, humans and animals would starve and suffocate. According to New Scientist, oxygen would remain in the atmosphere for quite a while, but we would run out of food long before we’d run out of air.

What is the rarest resource in the universe?

Five of the Rarest Resources in the World

  • Antimony. The most at risk element in the world, antimony has a rating of 9 in the relative supply risk index.
  • Platinum Group Elements. Related Stories.
  • Mercury.
  • Tungsten.
  • Rare Earth Elements.

Is wood rarer than diamond?

but wood is a complex organic structure and compared to its diamonds is simple. In the whole universe, wood is rarer than diamonds. Trees can give you oxygen and it is one of the major member of our ecosystem and after they die they gives us wood. So woods are more valuable than diamonds.

What is the hardest thing to find?


What is the hardest thing in the universe?

Nuclear pasta