What is another term for search?

What is another term for search?

What is another word for search?

explore probe
rummage hunt
forage search through
examine delve
survey seek

What is a antonym for the word search?

search(v) Antonyms: pretermit, disregard, abandon, misinvestigate. Synonyms: inspect, explore, scrutinize, seek, investigate, inquire.

What does it mean to search someone?

search someone for something to feel, touch, pat, frisk, or examine electronically a person’s body, looking for something hidden underneath the clothes. The police searched the suspect for hidden weapons.

What do you call a seeker of knowledge?

curiosity. nounintense desire to know, understand. concern. eagerness. inquiring mind.

What does Finder mean?

1 : one that finds. 2 : a small astronomical telescope of low power and wide field attached to a larger telescope for finding an object. 3 : viewfinder.

What is the meaning of generator?

1 : one that generates: such as. a : an apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed. b : a machine by which mechanical energy is changed into electrical energy.

What is a finder on a car?

Your car’s remote offers quite a bit of functionality. All you have to do to use the car finder feature is to press the Lock button one time. This makes the horn honk and lights up the parking lights. You can follow the sound to find your car (and if it’s dark out, the flashing lights will also help).

What is the meaning of finders keepers?

Finders, keepers, sometimes extended as the children’s rhyme finders, keepers; losers, weepers, is an English adage with the premise that when something is unowned or abandoned, whoever finds it first can claim it for themselves permanently.

Are Finders Keepers illegal?

Generally, “the finder of lost property can keep it against all the world… In California, there is a law mandating that any found property valued over $100 be turned over to police.

Are Finders Keepers stealing?

Theft by finding occurs when someone chances upon an object which seems abandoned and takes possession of the object but fails to take steps to establish whether the object is genuinely abandoned and not merely lost or unattended. In some jurisdictions the crime is called “larceny by finding” or “stealing by finding”.

Are Finders Keepers complete sentences?

Motorists stopped to catch them, and for many, it was finders keepers, he said. “This is the ancient legal doctrine of finders keepers, losers weepers, ” he said.

How do you write Finders Keepers?

Today, finders keepers, losers weepers is most often used by children when finding a prized object, even if they know to whom the object originally belonged. Note that finders keepers, losers weepers is not spelled with any apostrophes.

Is Finders Keepers part of a series?

The book is about the murder of reclusive writer John Rothstein (an amalgamation of John Updike, Philip Roth, and J. D. Salinger), his missing notebooks and the release of his killer from prison after 35 years….Finders Keepers (King novel)

First edition cover
Author Stephen King
Series Bill Hodges Trilogy
Genre Crime fiction
Published June 2, 2015

What year did finders keepers begin?


Do Japanese fishermen still use glass floats?

Glass floats, glass fishing floats, or Japanese glass fishing floats are popular collectors’ items. These glass floats are no longer used by fishermen, but many of them are still afloat in the world’s oceans, primarily the Pacific. They have become a popular collectors’ item for beachcombers and decorators.

What mythical creatures are said to hide glass floats?

Residents who call themselves “Float Fairies” secretly hit the 7 miles of beach to hide more than 3,000 blown-glass floats for others to find.

How do you identify a Japanese fishing float?

Look at the color. Japanese and other eastern manufacturers did not brand their floats, but there are other ways you can identify them. The earliest and most common colors that Japanese manufacturers used were shades of green, because they made the floats from recycled sake bottles.

What is a sea float?

A float is trapped between two beads with power gum, rubber bands or neoprene stop knots being used to allow the position of the float to be adjusted. The weight and hook are located below this so that they trail underneath the float in the water. A float rig ready to cast out baited with ragworm.

What are Japanese glass floats worth?

When glass floats, attractive and unusual, do wash ashore, they have long been considered prized collectors’ items. A search of on-line auction sites shows the high amounts paid for them. A 90-cm diameter ball might sell for more than $160, and 10-cm balls for $6 to $20 each. Collectors can be very competitive.

Will the marble sink or float?

Objects float when they are less dense than the liquid in which they are immersed. Because the glass marble always sinks, the glass of the marble must be more dense than water. Objects that are more dense than water can also float due to surface tension.

Does real gold sink or float?

Real gold will sink to the bottom because it’s denser than water. Gold will also not rust, so if you see any signs of rust you know your piece isn’t real gold, and there’s no worry about damaging your item if it is indeed real gold.