What is another word for hard to explain?

What is another word for hard to explain?

unintelligible Add to list Share. Something unintelligible is difficult to understand, either because the room is too noisy or because the unintelligible thing is too quiet or confusing. Therefore, unintelligible things are hard to understand. A coded message is unintelligible if you don’t know the code.

What is a word for difficult to understand?

other words for difficult to understand confusing. enigmatic. incomprehensible. mystifying. perplexing.

What is the word for trying to understand?

1 appreciate, apprehend, be aware, catch on (informal) comprehend, conceive, cotton on (informal) discern, fathom, follow, get, get one’s head round, get the hang of (informal) get to the bottom of, grasp, know, make head or tail of (informal) make out, penetrate, perceive, realize, recognize, savvy (slang) see, see …

What does it mean to understand someone?

To understand someone means to know how they feel and why they behave in the way that they do. It would be nice to have someone who really understood me, a friend. Trish had not exactly understood his feelings. Synonyms: sympathize with, appreciate, be aware of, be able to see More Synonyms of understand.

How do you describe someone’s understanding?

Here are some adjectives for understanding: doubtful and evident, your curious, certain interior, real musical, clear and accurate, friendly, direct and indirect, full and complete, tacit, mutual, humane, cordial, more complete, human, indirect, evident, stable, imperfect, doubtful, deeper, accurate, correct, wider.

What it means to truly see someone?

When you see a part of them, that part will blossom, occupy more spaces and become more active. If we are seen as we really are, we will feel more strength, pride, self-confidence, joy and a deeper sense of belonging and being worthy. Being seen by another also strengthens the relationship.

How do you know if you understand someone?

You can do that by saying:

  1. OK / Alright / Sure.
  2. Got it.
  3. OK, I get it now / That’s clear, thank you.
  4. Fair enough / I see where you’re coming from / I take your point / That makes sense.
  5. Of course / Absolutely.
  6. I appreciate why you think that, but…
  7. I hear what you’re saying, but…
  8. When You Understand Someone’s Feelings:

How do you truly understand someone?

It Improves With Listening

  1. Practice listening well in everyday conversations. Really pay attention to what the other person is saying.
  2. Tune in to feelings as well as story. When a friend tells you about something, try to imagine how he or she might have felt.
  3. Take time to listen to someone in depth.

How do you truly see someone?

A Simple Way to Really See Each Other and Be Seen

  1. The table is for sharing, not discussing.
  2. Talk about your day (or week, depending on how often your table meets).
  3. Just listen.
  4. No one is in charge.
  5. Allow yourself to be heard.
  6. Be vulnerable.
  7. If you don’t want to share, don’t.
  8. The table is free.

What does it mean when someone says you don’t understand me?

When someone says “you don’t understand me”, it only means one thing, they needed someone to listen to them deeply. Its not just a statement, it simply means two things “i need you to hear me out” and i need you to LISTEN to me CLEARLY and with an open heart.

What to say when someone says you dont understand?

Longer formal sentences

  1. Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t follow you.
  2. Excuse me, could you repeat the question?
  3. I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you say it again?
  4. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Would you mind speaking more slowly?
  5. I’m confused. Could you tell me again?
  6. I’m sorry, I didn’t understand.
  7. I didn’t hear you.

What is it called when you tell someone to do something and they do the opposite?

Reactance occurs when a person feels that someone or something is taking away their choices or limiting the range of alternatives. People using reverse psychology are playing on reactance, attempting to influence someone to choose the opposite of what they request.

What is it when you say something to mean something else?

Simile is when two things are compared using the words like or as, as in “cheeks as red as roses” or “hair like fire”; metaphor is when a word or phrase that literally means something else is used figurative in order to describe another thing, as in “drowning in debt.” Many people claim that hyperbole, simile, and …

What is it called when you say something mean in a nice way?

It’s called sarcasm…the polite way to be nasty to another person.

What is a cryptic message?

A cryptic remark or message contains a hidden meaning or is difficult to understand.

What is the hidden message in the scream?

“Kan kun være malet af en gal Mand!” (“Can only have been painted by a madman!”) appears on Norwegian artist Edvard Munch’s most famous painting The Scream. Infrared images at Norway’s National Museum in Oslo recently confirmed that Munch himself wrote this note.

What does liminal mean in English?

1 : of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold : barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response liminal visual stimuli. 2 : of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition : in-between, transitional … in the liminal state between life and death.—

How do you describe Liminality?

Liminality is a state of transition between one stage and the next, especially between major stages in one’s life or during a rite of passage. In a general sense, liminality is an in-between period, typically marked by uncertainty.

What does Supraliminal mean?

1 : existing above the threshold of consciousness. 2 : adequate to evoke a response or induce a sensation.

How do you use the word liminal?

It comes from the Latin līmen, meaning “threshold.” In its literal sense, a threshold is a doorway. Liminal is often used to describe the threshold, or gateway, between two stages. When used in a general way, liminal is often used to describe in-between spaces, places, and feelings.

Is liminal a word?

Liminal is a fancy word for having to do with a boundary. Liminal is a fancy word that means “1: of or relating to a sensory threshold; 2: barely perceptible; 3: of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition: in-between, transitional.”