What is another word for helpful?

What is another word for helpful?

  • advantageous,
  • benefic,
  • beneficent,
  • beneficial,
  • benignant,
  • favorable,
  • friendly,
  • good,

What are the example of helpful?

The definition of helpful is someone or something that is useful, that provides assistance or aid, or that is prone to providing aid. When someone gives you good and useful advice, this is an example of helpful advice. When a person is always asking what he can do to assist you, this is an example of a helpful person.

Is Je a valid word?

No, je is not in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you reply to I guess?

Well, you need to respond by saying, “What?” And use that kind of intonation, that stress – “What?” like you’re actually interested and you want to hear what they have to say. Otherwise, if you say, “what, “what” – it sounds like you’re not interested. So, put some oomph, some feeling into it.

Do I guess mean yes?

Generally, it means yes, but without certainty. That is, if you think a statement is likely true, but don’t know for sure, you might say, “I guess.” An example: “Is it going to rain tomorrow?” “I guess.”

What’s another word for I guess?

What is another word for I guess?

I assume I dare say
I figure I imagine
I presume I reckon
I suppose I surmise

How do you say I guess formally?

I guess we should take the train.” This is more formal sounding. It’s a more formal version of “I guess.” “I suppose we could catch the matinee at 1pm, but I enjoy the evening shows better.”

What is it called when you guess something?

Guess, guess at, conjecture, surmise imply attempting to form an opinion as to the probable. To conjecture is to make inferences in the absence of sufficient evidence to establish certainty: to conjecture the circumstances of the crime.

What can I say instead of good guess?

Synonyms for Good guess

  • good shot. n.
  • fair guess. n.
  • nice shot. n.
  • right guess. n.
  • able guess. n.
  • angelic guess. n.
  • complete guess. n.
  • correct guess. n.

Would is used for future?

Can we use would to refer to the future? Yes, would is used in the future subjunctive tense. In this situation, would can be used to describe a possible or unlikely action or scenario in the future. For example, “I would go to the store tomorrow, if I didn’t have school.”

Where we use should?

We use should mainly to: give advice or make recommendations. talk about obligation. talk about probability and expectation.

Why we use should?

“Should” is a modal verb most commonly used to make recommendations or give advice. It can also be used to express obligation as well as expectation. Examples: When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Potsdam.

What is the short form of should?

short form of should have: You should’ve come to the party last night, Manya.

How do you use the word should?

Expectation: You can use “should” to talk about something you expect will happen in the future. “Should” is used to show that you are pretty sure something will happen, but not completely sure. If you are 100% sure that something will happen, then use “will” instead of “should.”