What is blah short for?

What is blah short for?


Acronym Definition
BLAH Biosphere, Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere
BLAH Bringing Life And Hope
BLAH Boring Links and Homepages

Is Blah a valid Scrabble word?

BLAH is a valid scrabble word.

What type of word is blah?

1 or less commonly blah-blah \ ˈblä-​ˌblä \ : silly or pretentious chatter or nonsense. 2 blahs plural [perhaps influenced in meaning by blasé] : a feeling of boredom, lethargy, or general dissatisfaction. blah. adjective.

Is Blah a real word?

Blah is defined as a word to use when a person doesn’t know what to say or doesn’t want to use all the words needed to complete a sentence. An example of blah is what a person says at the end of a long list of items instead of actually listing the items, “She had a coffee, doughnut, blah, blah, blah.”

What does I’m a hoot mean?

informal. to be very funny: He’s an absolute hoot.

What does hoot mean in English?

(Entry 1 of 3) intransitive verb. 1 : to shout or laugh usually derisively. 2 : to make the natural throat noise of an owl or a similar cry.

How do you use the word hoot?

Hoot sentence example

  1. I don’t give a hoot what he looks like.
  2. God,” she added, “wouldn’t that be a hoot for the boys?”
  3. Never heard about Josh either, but nobody gave a hoot about him.
  4. Nothing Cade did indicated that he gave a hoot about what anyone else thought.
  5. The swim-bit is a hoot and a holler.

What is a hoot and a half?

A “hoot” is the sound made by an owl. Metaphorically, a “hoot” is also a loud laugh. So a “hoot and a half” is a very funny experience which makes a person laugh a lot. Another person that is a hoot and a half or a laugh and a half is: 150% comical.

What does hoot holler mean?

one’s displeasure

What does the word Vulcan mean?

: the Roman god of fire and metalworking — compare hephaestus.

Is Vulcan a word?

noun. the ancient Roman god of fire and metalworking, identified with the Greek Hephaestus.

Is there a planet named Vulcan?

Newfound exoplanet orbits a star identified with the famed science officer from “Star Trek.” The exoplanet is about twice the size of Earth and is considered the closest “super-Earth” orbiting a sunlike star. …

Who is the fire god?


Who is the god of time?
