What is dictionary password attack?

What is dictionary password attack?

A dictionary attack is a method of breaking into a password-protected computer, network or other IT resource by systematically entering every word in a dictionary as a password. Dictionary attacks work because many computer users and businesses insist on using ordinary words as passwords.

What is dictionary word password?

A password dictionary is a file that contains a list of potential passwords. These lists are often referred to as dictionaries because they contain thousands or even millions of individual words. Password lists attempt to collect as many of these words as possible.

Can dictionary attack be mounted on password?

A dictionary attack uses a word list: a predefined list of words, and each word in the list is hashed. If the cracking software matches the hash output from the dictionary attack to the password hash, the attacker has successfully identified the original password.

What makes a password secure against a dictionary attack?

The length of the password is an effective defense against brute-force attacks. The best strategy for creating a long password, that is also memorable, is to make it a passphrase. Another critical measure to prevent a dictionary attack is to stop password reuse between different password-protected systems.

How long does a dictionary attack take?

While a dictionary attack makes use of a prearranged list of words, a brute-force attack tries every possible combination of letters, special symbols, and numbers. It can guess a six-character password in one hour. If your password is long and complex, it will take days or even years to crack it.

What is online password cracking?

Online password cracking is attacking a computer system through an interface that it presents to its legitimate users by attempting to guess the login credentials. A Dictionary Attack uses a list of common passwords, guessing one at a time, until the password matches or the list is exhausted.

Are dictionary passwords secure?

Although using a password that contains only dictionary words is not recommended, it is still common and can get hacked easily. But if users were to use only dictionary words in a passphrase, they would stay safe from this type of attack. Most dictionary passwords contain one or two words.

Are acronyms good passwords?

Security experts advise using acronyms to remember passwords. They say using the first letters of a sentence makes remembering passwords easy while also enhancing security. It can also be an acronym of a personal goal and thus serve as motivation when used. As always you need to pick a password.

Is dictionary attack always faster than brute force attack?

A dictionary attack will be slower than a brute force attack for formats at high speed of recovery of passwords. The matter is that reading and preparation of passwords from the file of the dictionary demands much more time, than validation of passwords.

What is a rainbow attack?

A rainbow table attack is a password cracking method that uses a special table (a “rainbow table”) to crack the password hashes in a database. After the user enters their password to login, it is converted to hashes, and the result is compared with the stored hashes on the server to look for a match.

What is the best way to control the use of common dictionary words as being used as passwords?

How to defend against dictionary attacks

  • Set up multi-factor authentication where possible.
  • Use biometrics in lieu of passwords.
  • Limit the number of attempts allowed within a given period of time.
  • Force account resets after a certain number of failed attempts.

What is brute force dictionary attack?

Dictionary attack definition: “A type of brute force attack where an intruder attempts to crack a password-protected security system with a “dictionary list” of common words and phrases used by businesses and individuals.”

Can a dictionary be used to hack a password?

A dictionary attack is based on trying all strings in a pre-arranged listing. The attack is considered successful when your password is found in the list crafted by the attacker. Sometimes you can use password lists such as the famous « rockyou » (the largest password dictionary available on Kali Linux and used for untargeted dictionary attack).

What is the definition of a password dictionary attack?

What is a password dictionary attack? A password dictionary attack is a brute-force hacking method used to break into a password-protected computer or server by systematically entering every word in a dictionary as a password. This attack method can also be employed as a means to find the key needed to decrypt encrypted files.

Which is the largest password dictionary in the world?

Sometimes you can use password lists such as the famous « rockyou » (the largest password dictionary available on Kali Linux and used for untargeted dictionary attack). Rockyou is a text file containing the most common and most used passwords.

When to use a passphrase in a password dictionary?

The words making up a passphrase should be meaningless together to make them less susceptible to social engineering. But a passphrase is only a good choice when it doesn’t appear on a list of leaked passwords. Blocking these leaked passwords is an effective way to protect your organization from falling victim to a password dictionary attack.