What is driven as an adjective?

What is driven as an adjective?

adjective. being under compulsion, as to succeed or excel: a driven young man who was fiercely competitive.

Is driven a verb or adjective?

driven ​Definitions and Synonyms ​adjective. UK /ˈdrɪv(ə)n/ driven. drive verb.

How would you describe a driven person?

Driven personality types are ambitious, persistent, and want to succeed. They don’t mind putting the work in to achieve their goals (and are among the most likely types to become workaholics).

Is driven a positive word?

Driven vs. Positive: Our new boss is incredibly driven. Negative: Our new boss is incredibly pushy. Sort of like “determined,” a driven individual is inspiring. But, the moment someone crosses over into “pushy” is a recipe for disaster.

How do you describe driven?

1a : having a compulsive or urgent quality a driven sense of obligation. b : determined to succeed : highly energetic and motivated …

What it means to be driven?

If you’re driven, you’re strongly compelled or motivated to achieve a goal. If you’re a driven gymnast, you spend hours in the gym each night perfecting your balance beam routine. If you know someone who is incredibly ambitious and hard working, you can call them driven.

What does it mean to be driven in life?

To live a purpose-driven life, we have to live a life that has value, and we have to live up to our fullest potential. The best way to do this is to set big goals for yourself, but be sure to set goals that are in alignment with your values. If you value family, spend as much time with your family as possible.

What does it mean to be well driven?

adjective. 1Of an object: propelled into something thoroughly, effectively, or with great force.

Is it good to be driven?

It’s cause-and-effect. Driven people are generally more successful because they set high goals, don’t give up and make sacrifices to ensure that their job gets done on time, or ahead of schedule, and meets or exceeds expectations.

What does it mean when someone is driven?

What means driven?

What does being driven mean?

What is another word for driven?

drive(verb) to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly. “She is driven by her passion”. Synonyms: labour, get, labor, ride, repulse, push, repel, aim, force back, tug, ram, motor, beat back, take, push back, force.

Is driven an adjective?

• DRIVEN (adjective) The adjective DRIVEN has 3 senses: 1. compelled forcibly by an outside agency. 2. urged or forced to action through moral pressure. 3. strongly motivated to succeed. Familiarity information: DRIVEN used as an adjective is uncommon.

What is the definition of self – driven?

Definition of self-driven in English: self-driven. adjective. 1(of a vehicle) capable of travelling without input from a human operator, by means of computer systems working in conjunction with on-board sensors.
