What is Exim configuration?

What is Exim configuration?

Exim uses a single run time configuration file which is read whenever an Exim binary is executed. The name of the file is compiled into the binary for security reasons, and is specified by the CONFIGURE_FILE compilation option.

What is Exim relay?

In general, this type of service is used to relay emails for notifications for the server health status reports, where the actual email address does not exist or send auto response emails. …

Where is Exim config?

Exim stores its default configuration in its override file, /etc/exim. conf. local .

How do I set up an email relay?

To set up a smart host:

  1. In Server Admin, select Mail and click Settings.
  2. Under Relay all mail through this host, enter smtp-relay.gmail.com.
  3. Click Save to close the Server Admin.
  4. Restart the mail service.
  5. When you’ve completed your configuration, send a test message to confirm that your outbound mail is flowing.

Can I remove exim4?

Yes, it’s safe to delete exim4-base.

Which is better postfix or sendmail?

Sendmail is known for being inefficient compared to competitors. System admins complain about random problems often and generally install Postfix or Exim. Both are drop-in replacements for Sendmail and are almost equal in terms of reliability. However, Postfix is one step ahead thanks to its modular architecture.

How do I send an email with Exim?

send a testmail via exim

  1. tell exim that we want to send a mail to an recipient and tell us about the details of the sending procedure. Copy.
  2. Tell exim about the sender, the subject and input some text. Copy.
  3. Press Ctrl+d.
  4. You should see the details about the SMTP connection. You can return to your shell with Ctrl+c.

Which is better Postfix or sendmail?

Can I use Google as my SMTP server?

Yes! You can. If you’re using other email clients, such as Thunderbird or Outlook, you can use the Gmail SMTP server details to still send emails via your Gmail account. However, remember that SMTP is just for sending email.

How do I create a SMTP relay in Office 365?

Step 1: Log in to your Office 365 tenant, open the Exchange Admin center and click Mail flow, and click Connectors. Step 2: Click the “+” symbol to create a new connector. Step 3: Under Select your Mail Flow Scenario, set the “From” field as Partner Organization, and the “To” field as Office 365.

What is Exim4?

Exim4 is a Message Transfer Agent (MTA) developed at the University of Cambridge for use on Unix systems connected to the internet. Exim4 can be installed in place of sendmail or Postfix, although the configuration of Exim4 is quite different to that of sendmail.

How do I get rid of Exim?

Exim Remove All messages From the Mail Queue

  1. To print a list of the messages in the queue, enter: # exim -bp.
  2. To remove a message from the queue, enter: # exim -Mrm {message-id}
  3. To remove all messages from the queue, enter: # exim -bp | awk ‘/^ *[0-9]+[mhd]/{print “exim -Mrm ” $3}’ | bash.

Why do I need an exim4 relay server?

In general, this type of service is used to relay emails for notifications for the server health status reports, where the actual email address does not exist or send auto response emails. Exim4 is a Message Transfer Agent (MTA) developed at the University of Cambridge for use on Unix systems connected to the internet.

How to configure Exim 4 SMTP relay on Debian?

On Debian and Ubuntu, Exim 4 is configured most easily using a template system. This is found in /etc/exim4. The basic idea is to change the /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf file and then run the template generation over it.

How to set up Exim 4 on Ubuntu?

On Debian and Ubuntu, Exim 4 is configured most easily using a template system. This is found in /etc/exim4. The basic idea is to change the /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf file and then run the template generation over it. The following configuration sets up Exim to send via a Smarthost, i.e. another mail server.

How to use SMTP authentication with exim4?

In order to use TLS (Transport Layer Security) with SMTP authentication, you must generate a self-signed certificate or purchase one from reputed CA. This is the default location where exim4 searches for these files. To create username/passwords specifically for exim4 SMTP authentication, run the command