What is Hash Bash in Ann Arbor MI?

What is Hash Bash in Ann Arbor MI?

What is Hash Bash? It’s an annual event taking place in Ann Arbor on the first Saturday of April. The event is a mix of live music, speeches, and occasional civil disobedience, all centered on the goal of reforming local, federal, and state marijuana laws.

What day is Hash Bash 2020?


When was the first Hash Bash in Ann Arbor Michigan?

April 1st, 1972

Is Hash Bash 2021 Cancelled?

The 2021 Ann Arbor Hash Bash will be returning this year at High Noon on Saturday, April 3rd as an online, variety-show-style production, free to the public, featuring activists and entertainers from around the state and country.

What time does Hash Bash start 2021?

The in-person Hash Bash will begin at High Noon. Brook expects 500-1,000 attendees.

What’s the meaning of 4 20?

420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is cannabis culture slang for marijuana and hashish consumption, especially smoking around the time 4:20 p.m., and also refers to cannabis-oriented celebrations that take place annually on April 20 (which is 4/20 in U.S. form).

Why do stoners celebrate 420?

As Hager explained, a group of Californian teenagers ritualistically smoked marijuana every day at 4:20 pm. The ritual spread, and soon 420 became code for smoking marijuana. Eventually 420 was converted into 4/20 for calendar purposes, and the day of celebration was born.

What’s a 420 in police code?

Some say “420” is code among police officers for “marijuana smoking in progress.” Some note 4/20 is also Adolf Hitler’s birthday.

What is wrong with the number 420?

If one of the Waldos called for a “4:20 Louis” it meant that everyone was to meet at the statue to search for the marijuana. 3. Eventually, “4:20 Louis” became just “4:20,” and the number was recognized not as a call to hunt for the abandoned cannabis, but as a code word for smoking pot. 4.

What is the true origin of 420?

Chris Conrad, curator of the Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum in Oakland, California, says 420 started as a secret code among a group of friends at San Rafael High School in the early 1970s who called themselves “the Waldos.” They would often meet at 4:20 p.m. to get high.

What’s a 187 in police code?

Section 187 (often referenced in slang simply as 187) of the California Penal Code defines the crime of murder. The number is commonly pronounced by reading the digits separately as “one-eight-seven”, or “one-eighty-seven”, rather than “one hundred eighty-seven”.

What is a code 3 for police?

Code 3 Emergency/lights and siren. Code 4 No further assistance is needed.

Why is 187 a special number?

187 is the number of the California Penal Code section describing murder. It has come into general use among gangs in the United States as a synonym for murder, and this usage has passed into popular culture via gangsta rap, such as: The title of the film, One Eight Seven.

How do you say negative in police code?

Here is a fully comprehensive list of Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) 10 codes. Note: 10 codes can vary greatly from department to department….Code.

Code Meaning
10-7 Out of Service
10-8 In Service
10-9 Say Again
10-10 Negative

What does a 10 42 mean?

One “Ten Code” that is not as familiar to the general public is “10-42”. This particular code is used to indicate an officer’s end of tour. When a law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty, there are often federal and state benefits that are directed to the officer’s family.

What is a 10 13 in police code?

For example, in the NYPD system, Code 10-13 means “Officer needs help,” whereas in the APCO system “Officer needs help” is Code 10–33.

What’s a Code 2?

Code 2: An acute but non-time critical response. The ambulance does not use lights and sirens to respond.

What is a Code 9?

Code 9, for instance, signals that radio air is restricted to just those officers who are on a particular call. A Code 9 asks all other officers to stay off the air so a particular situation has full, unrestricted use of the radio. There’s also Code 4, which essentially signals a situation is under control.

What does code 1 mean in a hospital?

LEVEL 1. TRAUMA PATIENT. • Review specific plans for additional departmental details. R Rescue anyone out of immediate danger.

What does CODE RED mean in an ambulance?

“Code Red” and “Code Blue” are both terms that are often used to refer to a cardiopulmonary arrest, but other types of emergencies (for example bomb threats, terrorist activity, child abductions, or mass casualties) may be given “Code” designations too.

What does it mean if an ambulance has its lights on but no siren?

Keith recently asked, “Why do I see some emergency vehicles traveling in communities with lights on, but no siren?” They usually aren’t in contact with heavy traffic and will shut their sirens off to not disturb the community or draw unneeded attention to their situation.”

What is a code white?

The purpose of a Code White is to identify an actual or potential violent or out-of-control person and activate the appropriate staff to respond with a patient/person-centred and therapeutic response.

What is a code black in hospitals?

Hospitals often use code names to alert their staff to an emergency or other event. Code black typically means there is a bomb threat to the facility. Hospitals are the most common institutions that use color codes to designate emergencies.

What does Code Green in a hospital mean?

Code green: evacuation (precautionary) Code green stat: evacuation (crisis) Code orange: external disaster. Code yellow: missing person.

What does Code Purple mean?

Code Purple can mean: a reference to the air quality index used by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, when the air quality index is between 201 and 300. a Hospital emergency code. a Police scanner code, which means gang activity.

What is Code Purple in labor and delivery?

a. A Code Purple must be activated for any obstetrical emergency (e.g., obstetrical hemorrhage, emergency delivery section, Eclamptic seizure) to activate an emergency for additional personnel. Or in the event of a neonatal emergency, to provide assessment/resuscitation of the neonate.

What is a Code Pink in labor and delivery?


What does code violet mean in a hospital?

Code Violet is Nationwide Children’s response to violent and/or combative persons when they pose a threat to self and/or others. Harm can come from patients, parents, families and even coworkers. Specific documentation regarding this status can be reviewed by caregivers prior to patient interaction.