What is Le Jambe?

What is Le Jambe?

[ʒɑ̃b ] feminine noun. leg. à toutes jambes [s’enfuir] as fast as one’s legs can carry one.

Is Main masculine or feminine in French?

For example, le corps is masculine, while la main is feminine.

Is genou masculine or feminine in French?


French English
1. épreuve talon-genou (feminine noun) heel to-knee test (noun)
2. se démettre le genou (verb) to put one’s knee out of joint (verb)
3. genou; se démettre le ~ knee; put one’s ~ out of joint
4. l’articulation du genou the knee joint

What is the plural of genou in French?

genou m (plural genoux)

What does coude mean in English?

French, literally: bent in the shape of an elbow, from coude an elbow.

Why use coude tip catheter?

The main reason that people use a coudé catheter is if they have difficulty inserting a straight catheter in the urethra and through to the bladder. The curved tip makes insertion easier and allows for better access for people who suffer from urethral blockages or cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Can third cousins have a healthy baby?

The researchers suggest marrying third and fourth cousins is so optimal for reproduction because they sort of have the “best of both worlds.” While first-cousin couples could have inbreeding problems, couples who are far-removed from each other could have genetic incompatibilities. …

What do you call your sister’s child?

A sororal niece or sororal nephew is the child of one’s sister. A fraternal niece or fraternal nephew is the child of one’s brother.

What do I call my grandma’s sister?


Is great-aunt immediate family?

Yes, your aunt is considered an immediate family member. Immediate family is defined by our Bereavement Policy as “the employee’s spouse, domestic partner, legal guardian, son, daughter, mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, aunt, uncle, niece and nephew, and in-laws of the same categories.” 3.

What is my great niece’s child to me?

Grand niece, or grand nephew is usually a more effective term for a child born from your niece and nephew. The terms are interchangeable, but instead of saying you’re my great-great niece you can say you’re my grand-niece or grand-nephew instead.