What is most likely the definition of the word plethora?

What is most likely the definition of the word plethora?

Plethora comes from a similar Greek word meaning “fullness.” It was first used in English in the 16th century to describe a supposed medical condition marked by an excess volume of blood causing swelling and a reddish complexion.

Which is the best definition for Plethora as it is used in the second section of this passage?

The meaning of plethora is “A great and excessive number” so just try and find the choice that fits that description.

Why is it important to know the different types of speech context?

Context is critical, because it tells you, the receiver, what importance to place on something, what assumptions to draw (or not) about what is being communicated, and most importantly, it puts meaning into the message. The hardest thing about communicating effectively is knowing how to “set the context”.

What does context mean in communication?

Context refers to the setting in which communication takes place. The context helps establish meaning and can influence what is said and how it is said. There are at least four aspects in regards to this idea: physical, cultural, social-psychological, and temporal (DeVito, 2005).

How does context affect meaning?

Social context can affect the extent to which writers and readers share common experiences and expectations about a text. Cultural context will affect the fundamental assumptions, beliefs, and aspirations that they bring to the reading of a text.

What is an example of context effect?

“THE CAT” is a classic example of context effect. We have little trouble reading “H” and “A” in their appropriate contexts, even though they take on the same form in each word.

How does context affect our ability to retrieve information?

According to Dr. Bjork, variability in study context will give a learner more potential retrieval cues to remember information. In addition, recreating a situation similar to the one a particular memory was formed in will aid memory retrieval for some memories – especially over long periods of time.

What is the difference between context and state dependent memory?

While state-dependent memory may seem rather similar to context-dependent memory, context-dependent memory involves an individual’s external environment and conditions (such as the room used for study and to take the test) while state-dependent memory applies to the individual’s internal conditions (such as use of …

What does context dependent mean?

A context dependent definition is. [a] statement of meaning that relies upon a situation, background, or environment for proper interpretation.

Why is context-dependent memory important?

Context-dependent memory brings ideas, skills, and experiences to mind when they’re in the same context as they were when you experienced them before. When you learn something in one context, you’ll more easily remember it in that same context.

What is context-dependent memory quizlet?

Context-Dependent memory is that we remember information better when we attempt to recall it in the context in which we learned it. Very possible, you will not remember it again until you are drowsy and in the same state of consciousness.

What is an example of state dependent memory?

What Is State-Dependent Memory? State-dependent memory is a phenomenon where people are more likely to retrieve memories that were created in similar states of consciousness. For example, if you learned something while drunk, you will have a higher chance of remembering it if you are also drunk.