What is not a required characteristic of a well written melody?

What is not a required characteristic of a well written melody?

phrase shape vertical relationships pitch variation. Vertical relationships is not an established characteristic of a well-written melody. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What are the characteristics of a melody?

Characteristics of Melody:

  • · Pitch—The highness or lowness of a tone, depending on the frequency (rate of vibration)
  • · Interval—The distance and relationship between two pitches.
  • · Range—The distance between the lowest and highest tones of a melody, an instrument, or a voice. ( narrow, medium or wide)
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What is important to compose a good melody?

After identifying the scale you want to create your melody in, you need to come up with the rhythm for your melody. You see, melody isn’t just a succession of notes. It’s a rhythmic succession of notes. Rhythm is extremely important in melody.

What is melody appreciation quizlet?

a series of notes forming a distinctive, recognizable unit. Melodies can produce. an overwhelming emotional experience.

What are motives music appreciation quizlet?

In music, repitition of a melodic phrase at different levels of pitch. These melodies are folk and popular songs. Motive. A short melodic phrase that sounds fragmentary or incomplete but that leads itself to variation and development.

What letters of the alphabet does Western music used to indicate pitch?


Term In general, the smaller the vibrating element, the what its pitch? Definition Higher
Term What letters does western music use to indicate pitch? Definition The first 7.
Term What is silence indicated by in musical notation? Definition Rests

What are the 6 broad categories of instruments in Western music?

The great majority of musical instruments fall readily into one of six major categories: bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family, the first four of which form the basis of the modern symphony orchestra.

Why are notes named after letters?

Notation clearly begun and developed in parallel with music theory, because you cannot record what notes are being used if you have no names for the notes, or way of identifying what relationships are between the notes. Hence, as the concepts of scales and keys began to take shape, so notes started to be named.

Why do we use letters to name notes?

Letter notation is the most common way of indicating chords for accompaniment, such as guitar chords, for example B♭7. The bass note may be specified after a /, for example C/G is a C major chord with a G bass.

Can a chord be 2 notes?

The technical term for a 2-note chord is a “dyad.” That said, a 2-note chord may also be referred to as a partial chord, power chord, double stop, or simply an interval. Typically chords consist of 3 or more notes. Personally I think of a chord as a cluster of notes that creates harmonic structure.

What is the letter names of the notes?

Music notes are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. The two clefs that are primarily used are the treble clef and bass clef.

What are the names of notes in spaces?

The names of the notes are A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Those notes repeat across the piano. The treble clef spaces correspond to the notes F, A, C, and E. Beginning on the bottom of the staff and going up, the notes spell face.

What are the 7 pitch names?

In one of the most common pitch-naming schemes, each pitch is referred to as one of the first 7 characters in the Latin / Roman / English / etc. alphabet – namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The pitch named “A” is the lowest frequency, and the pitch named “G” is the highest.

What is the letter name of the lowest note?

The lowest note on most pianos is A0, the highest C8.

What is the deepest key?

As to the human ear, having a range of about 20–20,000 Hz, 20 Hz is a slightly flat E (E0 = 20.6 Hz) so technically the lowest key we fully could hear is E haha, but i’m sure someone’s ears could extend below that, so truly you’re limited by your ears. Originally Answered: What is the lowest key in music?

What are the 12 pitches?

Note Names There are 12 different notes that we can play in music. A, B, C, D, E, F, G (7 of the 12 notes) which are played on the white keys of the piano in addition to 5 other notes played on the black keys.

What is the highest note ever sung?


What is the rarest female voice type?


What is the deepest female voice?

Mei Ke Li