What is Odysseus scared of?

What is Odysseus scared of?

As they sail, Odysseus and his men are afraid of being eaten by Charybdis as she sucks in the water. Odysseus stayed closer to Scylla as he had been warned to avoid Charybdis so he wouldn’t lose his entire ship and crew.

Where is Phoibe buried?


Does Persephone bring Phoebe back?

In the Fate of Atlantis DLC Quest “A Life for a Life”, Persephone offers to bring back Nikolaius (If you killed him), Phoebe, or Brasidas, in exchange for killing Leonidas.

Should brasidas go to Elysium or stay in the underworld?

If, despite your suggestion, Brasidas decides to stay in the Underworld, then Hades will win. You should stay in the underworld. Brasidas will stay in the underworld to help war victims. It looks like a good ending and he won’t blame you, he’ll even be grateful to you.

Can you bring Phoibe back to life?

It’s already been said more than once…even if you kill Leonidas, Persephone will tell you that the deal is of after you fought the conquest battle against her. So no, in this first episode neither Phoibe nor Brasidas come back to life.

How do you convince Deimos?

In A Bloody Feast, tell Deimos “Hold on!” after you fight him. In Doing Time, convince Deimos the cult is manipulating you both. Deimos will say “I am not your puppet,” if it worked. Continue to convince Deimos the cult is using him and refuse to fight in Where it all Began.

Can you kill cultists without clues?

No, it doesn’t, and some are tied to quests so you can only kill them during the quest.

What to say to Deimos to convince him?

Convince Deimos that the Cult is manipulating you both in Chapter Eight

  1. “It was prophecy.”
  2. “Our mother searched for you.”
  3. “She thought you were dead.”
  4. “I was thrown off, too.”

Should I fight Deimos?

The most important choice is at the end of the conversation, when you can choose how to say goodbye to the character. Attacking Deimos – your character will push Deimos away and he may hit you after that. This choice will make Deimos more hostile towards your hero in the future.