What is one advantage a primary source has over a secondary source?

What is one advantage a primary source has over a secondary source?

One advantage that a primary source has over a secondary source is that it was created when the event was fresh in the person’s mind.

What is an example of secondary data apex?

The answer is Option B “an interview.” Secondary data is data coming from someone else who isn’t the researcher a good example of secondary data would be a interview. A interview the researcher is asking a person for data on the subject and they give their point of view/opinion on it.

Which item is an example of a secondary source apex answers?

Books, articles, and documentaries are all considered secondary sources.

What makes a source credible Brainly?

A credible source is a source of information, in which the data is backed up with evidence (supportive information such as charts, graphics, illustrations, etc), and its accuracy can be corroborated (reference lists or documented research).

What makes a source credible answer?

Articles. The definition of a credible source can change depending on the discipline, but in general, for academic writing, a credible source is one that is unbiased and is backed up with evidence. When writing a research paper, always use and cite credible sources.

What source is most credible?

What sources can be considered as credible?

  • materials published within last 10 years;
  • research articles written by respected and well-known authors;
  • websites registered by government and educational institutions (. gov, . edu, .
  • academic databases (i.e. Academic Search Premier or JSTOR);
  • materials from Google Scholar.

How do I get Google Scholar for free?

You may find a free copy online.

  1. Go to Google Scholar, enter the article title, and click Search:
  2. If available, your article should appear as one of the first few results:
  3. If you click an article’s title, you may be taken to a publisher’s site that will ask you to pay for full text.

How do I find scholarly articles without paying?

Access Journal Articles Behind Paywalls for Free

  1. Check Your Institutions’ and Associations’ Subscriptions.
  2. Investigate Other Library Options.
  3. Get it From the Author.
  4. Try Unpaywall.
  5. Look for an Open-Access Alternative.
  6. Purchase or Rent the Individual Paper.
  7. Get a Personal Subscription.

Why SCI-Hub is not working 2020?

The main reason for the white screen problem is that the particular request from the sci-hub is not authorized to access that web page as per the dot compliance of your country. Therefore, you can not access the document with the direct method of using scihub.

Is Unpaywall legal?

Is Unpaywall legal? Yes! We harvest content from legal sources including repositories run by universities, governments, and scholarly societies, as well as open content hosted by publishers themselves.

How do you access scholarly articles?

You have to personally contact authors and hope they respond, or leave academic databases and search the web for personal webpage hosted versions, or access university databases. You can also often source the paper on ResearchGate or Academia (think academic LinkedIn if you don’t know what these are).