What is Sophrosyne Greek?

What is Sophrosyne Greek?

Sophrosyne (Greek: σωφροσύνη) is an ancient Greek concept of an ideal of excellence of character and soundness of mind, which when combined in one well-balanced individual leads to other qualities, such as temperance, moderation, prudence, purity, decorum, and self-control.

What is the definition of genuine?

1 : actual, real, or true : not false or fake genuine gold. 2 : sincere and honest She showed genuine interest. Other Words from genuine.

How do you show regret in writing?

Expressing Regret in English

  1. I wish/If only + Past perfect. I wish I had come to your party! I wish I had worked harder.
  2. I should have (not) + Past Participle. I should have come to your party. I should have worked harder.
  3. I regret +Noun/V-ing. I regret not coming to your party. I regret not working harder.

What is penitence mean?

penitence, repentance, contrition, compunction, remorse mean regret for sin or wrongdoing. penitence implies sad and humble realization of and regret for one’s misdeeds.

Is regret a theme?

From a writing perspective, regret can be an evocative touch point, one we can mine in our stories. As a theme, don’t forget it… or you’ll regret it.

What is a theme for guilt?

Guilt is defined as a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime or wrong committed. Guilt is a major theme in the novel Fifth Business. Dunny has been raised in a strict Presbyterian household which has encouraged him to feel guilt about many minor things.

What are some examples of themes in a story?

Examples. Some common themes in literature are “love,” “war,” “revenge,” “betrayal,” “patriotism,” “grace,” “isolation,” “motherhood,” “forgiveness,” “wartime loss,” “treachery,” “rich versus poor,” “appearance versus reality,” and “help from other-worldly powers.”

What type of themes are there?

6 Common Themes in Literature

  • Good vs. evil.
  • Love.
  • Redemption.
  • Courage and perseverance.
  • Coming of age.
  • Revenge.

What is the central theme of the text?

Theme is the central idea, or insight, about life and human behavior that a story reveals. The theme is what makes a story linger in our hearts and minds long after we have read it. It is the idea on which the story is built. Theme most often applies to literary texts such as novels, short stories, dramas, and poetry.

What are the themes of 21st century literature?

  • 1 Identity. With increasing globalization, intersections of cultures and more vocal discussions of women’s rights and LGBT rights, identity has become a common theme in 21st century literature.
  • 2 History and Memory.
  • 3 Technology.
  • 4 Intertextuality.