What is stored procedure in Cobol?

What is stored procedure in Cobol?

Stored procedures are routines executed directly by a DB2 LUW Server instance, rather than indirectly via a call to a routine from within a client application. The benefits of using DB2 stored procedures over SQL calls include enhanced modularity, security, and performance.

How do I create a stored procedure in DB2?

Learning objectives

  1. Set up the workbench environment for stored procedure development.
  2. Connect to the GSDB sample database and create a data development project to work with the database.
  3. Create an SQL stored procedure.
  4. Deploy, debug, and run the stored procedure from the workbench.

What is stored procedure and its types?

A stored procedure is a precompiled set of one or more SQL statements that are stored on SQL Server. The benefit of Stored Procedures is that they are executed on the server-side and perform a set of actions, before returning the results to the client-side.

What is external stored procedure in DB2?

An external stored procedure is a procedure that is written in a host language and can contain SQL statements. The source code for external procedures is separate from the definition.

What are stored procedures in mainframe?

DB2 stored procedures mainframe–> Stored procedures are the programs that contains one or more SQL statements to perform a business functionality and can be called by any application with SQL call statements.

Where are stored procedures used?

A Stored Procedure is a type of code in SQL that can be stored for later use and can be used many times. So, whenever you need to execute the query, instead of calling it you can just call the stored procedure.

What is stored procedure in DB2 with example?

When an application that runs on a workstation calls a stored procedure on a Db2 server, the stored procedure updates a table based on the information that it receives from the application. Suppose that an application runs on a workstation client and calls a stored procedure A on the Db2 server at location LOCA.

What is stored procedure in database?

A stored procedure is a set of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements with an assigned name, which are stored in a relational database management system (RDBMS) as a group, so it can be reused and shared by multiple programs.

What are types of procedure?

Types of Procedures

  • Transform procedures.
  • Source procedures.
  • Target procedures.

How many types of stored procedure are there?

There are two types of stored procedures available in SQL Server: User defined stored procedures. System stored procedures.

What is native stored procedure?

A native SQL procedure is a procedure whose body is written entirely in SQL. The body is written in the SQL procedural language (SQL PL). A native SQL procedure is created by issuing a single SQL statement, CREATE PROCEDURE. Native SQL procedures do not have an associated external application program.

Can you give an example of a stored procedure?

There can be a case when a stored procedure doesn’t returns anything. For example, a stored procedure can be used to Insert , delete or update a SQL statement. For example, the below stored procedure is used to insert value into the table tbl_students .

Which is an example of a COBOL program?

Example COBOL program that calls a stored procedure You can call the GETPRML stored procedure that uses the GENERAL WITH NULLS linkage convention from a COBOL program on a z/OS® system. Because the stored procedure returns result sets, this program checks for result sets and retrieves the contents of the result sets.

Can a COBOL module be called from a stored procedure?

This concept is also called External stored procedure. In DB2, you can call COBOL module from stored procedure. Before you go into details, let me tell you about types of Stored procedures in DB2.

How is a DB2 program coded in COBOL?

Now the COBOL DB2 program ACTC001 needs to be coded as a normal COBOL DB2 program which has the IN and OUT parameters declared in the procedure as part of Linkage section (also as part of PROCEDURE DIVISION USING). Using the IN parameters, required SQL and Procedural statements are executed and the OUT variables are populated with required values.

What is the default value for result sets in COBOL?

Result sets: Specifies the maximum number of query result sets that the procedure can return. The default is DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 0, which indicates that the procedure can return no result sets. The value of integer must be between 0 and 32767.