What is the 3rd most spoken language in the US?

What is the 3rd most spoken language in the US?


What are the three main languages spoken in the United States?

Languages of the United States
Official None
National English
Main English 78.1%, Spanish 13.5%, other Indo-European languages 3.7%, Asian and Pacific languages 3.6%, other languages 1.2% (2018 survey by the Census Bureau)

What are the top 10 languages spoken in the United States?

What are the most spoken languages in the USA

  1. English. The most spoken language in the United States of America is, of course, English.
  2. Spanish.
  3. Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, other varieties)
  4. French and French Creole.
  5. Tagalog.
  6. Vietnamese.
  7. Korean.
  8. German.

What are the 3 main languages spoken in North America?

The most widely spoken language in North America is English, followed in prevalence by Spanish and French. These three languages were brought to North America as a result of colonization of practically the entire continent by settlers from Europe.

Is American a language?

“American” is not a language; “American English” is a dialect of English. “Americans write and speak differently than citizens of England” is just barely true. The differences between the two dialects are limited and superficial.

Which language was first English or American?

American English derived from English, the main language spoken by the original European invaders of America and the one settled on as the Lingua Franca of what at the time was a country of many languages. Therefore British English is the older language.

Why doesn’t America have its own language?

Because the USA was primarily colonized by the British. And because standard written American English is still mutually intelligible with other English standards. Therefore the many variants spoken in the US are still just dialects of English; they all derive from British English.

Does a language dies every 14 days?

One language dies every 14 days. By the next century nearly half of the roughly 7,000 languages spoken on Earth will likely disappear, as communities abandon native tongues in favor of English, Mandarin, or Spanish.

How many Native American languages have been lost?

Native languages have been in decline for decades; currently Ethnologue lists 245 indigenous languages in the United States, with 65 already extinct and 75 near extinction with only a few elder speakers left. This is why the Native American Languages Act and the Esther Martinez Act are so important.