What is the antecedent in the sentence below?

What is the antecedent in the sentence below?

An antecedent is a part of a sentence that is later replaced by a pronoun. An example of an antecedent is the word “John” in the sentence: “John loves his dog.”

What is the antecedent of the pronoun he?

The pronoun his refers back to President Lincoln. President Lincoln is the ANTECEDENT for the pronoun his. The pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number. Rule: A singular pronoun must replace a singular noun; a plural pronoun must replace a plural noun.

How do you use antecedent in a sentence?

Antecedent sentence example

  1. We should expect the albuminous state of the seed to be an antecedent one to the exalbuminous condition, and the recent discoveries in fertilization tend to confirm this view.
  2. It was of course antecedent to the discovery of auscultation.
  3. The antecedent task is the action.

What is an antecedent in grammar examples?

In grammar, an antecedent is an expression (word, phrase, clause, sentence, etc.) A proform takes its meaning from its antecedent; e.g., “John arrived late because traffic held him up.” The pronoun him refers to and takes its meaning from John, so John is the antecedent of him.

How do you identify an antecedent?

An antecedent is the word that a pronoun replaces or refers to. Any time that you have a pronoun, you’ll have an antecedent, even if it’s not in the very same sentence. This makes sense; if we didn’t have an antecedent for every pronoun, we’d be left with a lot of confusion.

What are the two types of antecedents?

positive (obtaining desired stimuli) or negative (escape/avoid undesired stimuli) reinforcement. (also known as “discriminative stimuli”) are different types of antecedents to behavior/consequent contingencies.

What is antecedent in behavior?

What is an antecedent? In technical terms, antecedents of behavior are stimulus events, situations, or circumstances that precede an operant response (Miltenberger, 2004). In Laymen terms, an antecedent is what was happening or what/who was present right before the behavior occurred.

What is the difference between an antecedent and a setting event?

Events that directly precede and serve as a “trigger” for a problem behavior are called antecedents. The difference between an antecedent and a setting event is that setting events increase the likelihood that an antecedent will trigger problem behavior.

What is an antecedent stimulus provide an example?

What is an antecedent stimulus? Provide an example. stimuli or events that precede an operant response. EXAMPLE: the presence of a particular person. What does it mean when we say that the effects of reinforcement are situation-specific?

What is an antecedent event?

An antecedent is a preceding event, condition, cause, phrase, or word. More specifically, it may refer to: Antecedent (behavioral psychology), the stimulus that occurs before a trained behavior. A musical phrase (music) may be an antecedent or consequent phrase.

What happens when a discriminative stimulus is present?

The presence of a discriminative stimulus causes a behavior to occur. Stimulus discrimination training may also occur with punishment. A behavior is less likely to occur in the presence of the SD. A behavior is more likely to occur in the presence of the S-Delta.

What are antecedent factors?

Antecedent factors are certain factors that precede and lead to involvement; these include the person himself and the individual determinants; the object, stimuli or the product/service offering; and, the purchase situation.

What is antecedent ratio?

Definition: The ratio of two like quantities a and b is the fraction ab, which indicates how many times b is the quantity a. In the ratio a : b, a and b are called terms of the ratio, a is called the antecedent or first term, and b is called the consequent or second term.

What is the synonym of antecedent?

Some common synonyms of antecedent are anterior, foregoing, former, preceding, previous, and prior.

What is the antonym of antecedent?

An antecedent simply precedes a result, with or without any agency in producing it; as, Monday is the invariable antecedent of Tuesday, but not the cause of it. The direct antonym of cause is effect, while that of antecedent is consequent.

What is antecedent and consequent?

In the standard form of such a proposition, it is the part that follows “then”. In an implication, if P implies Q, then P is called the antecedent and Q is called the consequent. In some contexts, the consequent is called the apodosis. Examples: If , then .

What are antecedents in grammar?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 grammar : a substantive word, phrase, or clause whose denotation is referred to by a pronoun that typically follows the substantive (such as John in “Mary saw John and called to him”) broadly : a word or phrase replaced by a substitute.

Is every an antecedent?

Basic Principle: A pronoun usually refers to something earlier in the text (its antecedent) and must agree in number — singular/plural — with the thing to which it refers. The indefinite pronouns anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, and nobody are always singular.

What is an antecedent in critical thinking?

An argument composed entirely of conditional claims (premises and conclusion). When valid, the premises are arranged so that the consequent of one premise becomes the antecedent of the next. The conclusion will then have the antecedent of the first premise and the consequent of the last premise.

What is the meaning of antecedent in math?

Antecedent is the first term of a ratio. Thus in the ratio of 3 to 4 written 3:4 the term is the antecedent. It is also the first and third terms of a proportion. For Example, 3:4 :: 5:6, 3 and 5 are the antecedents and 4 and 6 are the consequents.

What is an antecedent in Latin?

Antecedent – the word to which another word (for our purposes, a relative pronoun) relates. Relative Pronoun – a type of pronoun that introduces a relative clause as well as connects it to the main clause. We also talked about how relative pronouns connect to their antecedents, which requires us to know our forms.

What is an unclear antecedent?

When a sentence does not clearly identify which noun a subsequent pronoun refers to, the error is referred to as an unclear antecedent. In this sentence, either the person identified as he, or his brother, could be the victim of bicycle theft. Revise the sentence to clarify one way or the other.

How do you fix an unclear antecedent?

The best way to fix the problem is to rephrase the sentence in a new way. However, if there is more than one possible antecedent, the result is ambiguous. When Alexander drove the car through the garage door, he badly damaged it.

What is a pronoun with an unclear antecedent?

Did Ben sell the car or the radio? Unclear pronoun reference occurs when a pronoun (often “it,” “this,” “that,” or “they”) could refer to more than one antecendent in a sentence. An antecedent is simply the word (or words) that a pronoun refers to.

Which sentence contains a pronoun with an unclear antecedent?

Answer: According to the question above, the option that contains a pronoun with an unclear antecedent is: C. Perry dropped his cheese and apple on the floor but then ate it.

Which group of words is a clause?

A clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb. (A clause functions as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun.) A clause contrasts with a phrase, which does not contain a subject and a verb.

Which sentence uses the word claim as a noun meaning a statement of truth?

In sentence D, the word is acting as a noun, but with the meaning of “demand of ownership” for a land. Sentence A, on the other hand, uses the word “claim” as a noun meaning “a statement of truth,” because it refers to the statement of truth made by Galileo about how the Earth orbits.

Which group of words is a phrase?

A phrase is a group of words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute. Take a look at our selection of phrase examples below.

What is phrase give 5 examples?

Noun Phrase; Friday became a cool, wet afternoon. Verb Phrase; Mary might have been waiting outside for you.. Gerund Phrase; Eating ice cream on a hot day can be a good way to cool off.

What is a one word phrase?

In grammatical analysis, particularly in theories of syntax, a phrase is any group of words, or sometimes a single word, which plays a particular role within the grammatical structure of a sentence.

Is the an antecedent?

In grammar vocabulary, the antecedent is the word, phrase, or clause that a pronoun can replace.

Can an antecedent come after a pronoun?

An antecedent is a noun or pronoun to which another noun or pronoun refers. It usually goes before the pronoun (“ante” means before).