What is the antonym for guard?

What is the antonym for guard?

Antonyms of GUARD harm, disregard, capitulation, ignore, betrayal, lay bare, forget, uncover, give up, offensive, surrender, desert, endanger, lose, flight, desertion, leave, abandonment, neglect, hurt, injure, abandon, injury, let go.

What is this word guard?

1 : to protect from danger : defend. 2 : to watch over so as to prevent escape guard a prisoner. 3 : to keep careful watch for in order to prevent I try to guard against mistakes.

What is the full meaning of guard?

Options. Rating. GUARD. Giving Understanding, Accountability, Responsibility, and Direction.

How do you use the word guard?

Guard sentence example

  1. I heard you were a guard at Cañon City.
  2. “Alright.
  3. A 24-hour guard wasn’t possible and arresting him would only make him more dangerous.
  4. A man was placed on guard at the door to prevent interruption.
  5. “I’ll stand guard on it myself!”
  6. I cannot guard you if you hide from me.

What did she give to the guards?

Lady Macbeth says she’ll wait until Duncan goes to bed (he’ll be tired) and she’ll make sure to give the two guards enough wine to make them sleep heavily. That way Macbeth will be able to sneak past them to kill Duncan with the two guards’ daggers. Then they’ll place them with the sleeping guards.

What is the difference between guard and guide?

As nouns the difference between guide and guard is that guide is someone who , especially someone hired to show people around a place or an institution and offer information and explanation while guard is a person who, or thing that, protects or watches over something.

What do you call someone who keeps keys?

A locksmith is usually the person making keys.

What is flower seller called?

A florist is someone whose job involves arranging and selling cut flowers. Florist comes from the French fleuriste, from the Latin root word flos, or “flower.”

What do you call a person who tells the future from the stars?

Terms for one who claims to see into the future include fortune teller, crystal-gazer, spaewife, seer, soothsayer, sibyl, clairvoyant, and prophet; related terms which might include this among other abilities are oracle, augur, and visionary.

What is strong example?

The definition of strong refers to someone or something who can exert a lot of power or force, or is the ability to do a task very well. An example of strong is someone who can lift 200 pounds. An example of strong is a wind that knocks over trees. An example of strong is someone who can run fast. adjective.