What is the antonym for oaf?

What is the antonym for oaf?

Antonyms of OAF brain, thinker, polymath, handyman, genius.

What is the meaning of oaf?

noun. a clumsy, stupid person; lout. a simpleton; dunce; blockhead.

What is a big oaf?

2 : a big clumsy slow-witted person Get out of my way, you big oaf.

What is another word for exhilarated?

Exhilarating Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for exhilarating?

exciting thrilling
breathtaking stimulating
intoxicating enlivening
envigoratingUK invigoratingUS
stirring vitalizing

What does exhilarated mean in English?

transitive verb. : to make (someone) very happy and excited or elated was exhilarated by her success It’s a demanding dining experience that may exhaust and exasperate some customers, but exhilarate those who desire a challenge more than comfort.—

What does Exuberating mean?

1a : joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic exuberant praise an exuberant personality. b : unrestrained or elaborate especially in style : flamboyant exuberant architecture. 2 : produced in extreme abundance : plentiful exuberant foliage and vegetation.

What is fighting type Pokemons weakness?

Type chart, effectiveness and weakness explained in Pokémon Go

Type Strong Against Weak Against
Normal Rock, Ghost, Steel
Fighting Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark Flying, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Fairy
Flying Fighting, Bug, Grass Rock, Steel, Electric
Poison Grass, Fairy Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, Steel

What is snorlax weakness?


What is the fairy types weakness?

Fairy-type Pokémon are strong against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting-type Pokémon, but are weak to Poison and Steel types.

What is Togekiss weakness?


Who can defeat fairy-type Pokemon?

In other words, Fairy-types have no resistance to Grass-types and the creature can inflict extra damage being a Poison-type. Pokemon GO trainers who aren’t fortunate enough to have either of the first two Pokemon can still battle Fairies effectively by using Muk, Vileplume, Roserade, or Victreebell.

What is dark type weakness?

Dark-type Pokémon have resistances to Ghost, other Dark, and Psychic-type Pokémon. But they are vulnerable to Fighting, Bug, and Fairy-type moves.

What types are strong against dark?

For instance, ice types are weak to steel attacks, for some reason, and bug attacks are super effective against psychic types….Pokemon Type Chart.

Type Super Effective Against Weak To
Steel Fairy, Ice, Rock Fighting, Fire, Ground
Fairy Dark, Dragon, Fighting Poison, Steel
Psychic Fighting, Poison Bug, Dark, Ghost

Why are dark types weak to bug?

If people don’t want to go to the link, the answer to this question is: The logic behind Bug being x2 against Dark is thus: Since most bugs are active at night, under the cover of darkness, they thrive in places in places that have little to no light, e.g. woodlice live in dark, dank places, usually under fallen trees.

What is the weakest Pokemon move?

The Weakest Pokémon Move Of Every Type, Ranked

  1. 1 Normal: Constrict 10. This is the weakest attacking move in Pokémon.
  2. 2 Fire: Will O Wisp 15.
  3. 3 Poison: Poison Sting 15.
  4. 4 Electric: Nuzzle 20.
  5. 5 Ground: Mud Slap 20.
  6. 6 Fighting: Arm Thrust 15+
  7. 7 Psychic: Stored Power 20+
  8. 8 Dark: Power Trip 20+

Who is the best dark type Pokemon?

The 15 Best Dark Type Pokemon

  1. 1 Umbreon. Umbreon is not only a popular dark type, but one of the most popular Pokémon in general.
  2. 2 Absol. Absol is a big fan favorite, despite its name as a ‘disaster Pokémon’.
  3. 3 Yveltal.
  4. 4 Tyranitar.
  5. 5 Darkrai.
  6. 6 Hydreigon.
  7. 7 Bisharp.
  8. 8 Houndoom.