What is the cause and effect of acid rain in Germany?

What is the cause and effect of acid rain in Germany?

Acid rain in Germany
What is it? Sulfur and nitrogen found in rain that damages the environment
What are the causes Smoke from factories and power plants Burning of fossil fuels Exhaust from vehicles
Affects on the environment Eats holes in surfaces of buildings. Damages soil and trees Pollutes rivers (Danube) Kills wildlife

How has acid rain harmed Germany’s economy?

Acid rain has destroyed nearly half of Germany’s Black Forest. This has harmed Germany’s economy because one of its major natural resources is timber. Main source of acid rain is pollution from factories (burning fossil fuels like natural gas, coal, and oil). Cars and buses also produce harmful gases.

What is one major cause of acid rain damage in Germany?

Causes of Acid Rain in Germany. When it comes to the problem of acid rain, Germany is its own worst enemy. The main sources of acid rain are smoke from factories and power plants. The toxic smoke from manufacturing plants is carried by air currents to other places before it falls to the earth as acid rain.

What did Germany do to stop acid rain?

Now Europe has very strong laws about this: very little pollution allowed • Germans are using hydroelectricity to reduce acid rain. Hydroelectricity: Human/Environmental Interaction: Depending on our environment.

Is acid rain still a problem in Germany?

Acid Rain effects many things in Germany. Acid rain is a very big problem in Germany. Acid from Germany also effects other countries close to Germany. That means that the minerals that are in the sandstone will melt due to the high level of the pH level, the substance which acid rain.

Why is acid rain increasing?

Over the last century, increasing amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emitted from fossil fuel burning power plants, primarily from coal, have been identified as the main causes of increased acid rain.