What is the central idea in this passage a genetics of justice?

What is the central idea in this passage a genetics of justice?

The central idea of the paragraph in this exceprt the author adopts is that her parents barely dealt with the circumstances of living under a dictatorship despite the humiliating tributes done by Trujillo they unwillingly made part of, so the best idea is the last option “The author’s parents tried to get by in the …

What is the author’s purpose in writing this paragraph how the Grimm?

The author’s purpose in writing this paragraph is to inform the reader of the reasons for the differences between editions given the fact that the Grimm brothers, specially the younger one, wanted to change and perfect the original tales in their style to a more suitable public regarding literature back then.

How do you connect ideas?

Particular phrases and words serve different functions in connecting ideas and arguments. For example, different clauses or words can signal or ‘signpost’ additional or similar information, opposition or contrast, concession, cause or effect, emphasis, clarification, or a relationship in time or sequence.

How does the author develop the central idea across these experts a genetics of justice?

The author develops the central idea across the paragraphs in the following way: Alvarez explains how her mother’s reaction to her novel provoked a rare moment of peace between them.

What is the central idea in this paragraph during her exile the author’s mother did not know how she felt about Trujillo?

The author explains that, even after Trujillo was killed, her parents continued to fear the dictatorship. The author explains that the assassination freed her parents from fear, allowing them to leave the country.

What is the central idea of this paragraph the images of Trujillo portrayed him falsely?

Answer: The correct answer is: The images of Trujillo portrayed him falsely. Explanation: Trujillo used his portraits and images to create a false picture about himself, as a strong, young and powerful military man, in order to establish respect, admiration, and loyalty among the citizens.

What is the central idea of the paragraph?

The main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. It states the purpose and sets the direction of the paragraph or passage. The main idea may be stated or it may be implied.

How does the passages work together to develop a central idea?

How do the passages work together to develop a central idea? The passages show how Alvarez’s family was affected by the parsley massacres when they returned. The passages show how Alvarez and her family were tricked into returning to the Dominican Republic.

Which statement best analyzes how the author develops the central idea?

Answer: The statement that best analyzes how the author develops the central idea across the paragraphs is Alvarez explains that although her parents reacted differently to the stress they endured, both became silent about the dictatorship.

Which quotation provides the best evidence for the central idea?

Trujillo’s vanity knew no bounds

How do these excerpts work together to develop a central idea remembering to never forget?

Answer: These excerpts work together to develop a central idea because Memmott explains that the tragedy is not well known today and then shows why it is worth remembering. Explanation: Passage A talks about the objective if the celebration.

Which details does the author include to support the central idea about how her mother felt?

Answer. Answer: The details the author includes to support the idea about how her mother felt about the dictator are: “doubly revolted”, “obsession” and “cautionary tales”. The other two describes the way she lived, in the exile with his husband, isolated from friends and family.

Which quotation from the passage supports the central idea that Trujillo worried about his appearance?

My mother could go on and on

Which details does the author include to support the central idea about the result of a dictatorship select two options?

“Lost their lives” and “slaughter” does the author include to support the central idea about the result of the dictatorship. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Which sentence best summarizes the central idea of Chapter 5 of the Prince?

Which sentence best summarizes the central idea of chapter 5 of The Prince? Machiavelli offers three ways to hold states that are accustomed to freedom—destruction, occupation, or the establishment of an oligarchy—and says that destruction or occupation is best.

Which answer best summarizes the central idea of the excerpt after the war?

Answer: The statement that best summarizes the central idea of the excerpt is that The Civil War occurred because people in the South wanted to protect and spread the practice of slavery. Explanation: mark as brainliest.

Which important landmark is the poet referring to in this excerpt?

The Statue of Liberty

What is the central idea of the first paragraph of the dark game quizlet?

How does the first paragraph of The Dark Game best support the central idea that the Civil War was a long war? -It shares the detail that the war lasted four years. -It states what people believed about the war at the time. -It tells how many soldiers actually died in the war.

What information develops the central idea the dark game?

Answer. In The Dark Game, the author developed the central idea that Elizabeth Van Lew was a spymaster during the Civil War by including details about the work that Van Lew did. The author narrates that Elizabeth wanted to help in putting nation back together.

What is the central idea of the first paragraph of the dark game the Civil War was a short conflict between the North and the South?

Answer Expert Verified In The Dark Game the central idea of the first paragraph is 1) The Civil War lasted longer than people first expected it to last. The author makes this idea clear by including details about how the war lasted for four years.

Why does Mr H intercede on behalf of the British printer?

Why does Mr. H. intercede on behalf of the British printer? The printer can help the British.

Which states best central idea in this excerpt?

Answer: The option that best states the central idea of this excerpt is: B. Extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials.

What is a central idea that the author develops throughout the Dark game Elizabeth Van Lew ran a safe house for escaped Union soldiers in her Richmond home?

The central idea that the author develops through the Dark game is mainly, how the ordinary individuals during the civil war who wanted to aid the war effort acted as spy.

How does this excerpt develop the central idea that Elizabeth?

Based on the excerpt about Elizabeth Van Lew from The Dark Game, this excerpt develops the central idea that Elizabeth Van Lew helped expand the role of women in society by stating how Van Lew acted as an important leader and manager at a time when women were generally discouraged from taking on those roles; and by …

Which detail should be included in a summary of Elizabeth?

The answer is “B: Her home was used as a safehouse.” Explanation: The key part of the question states “Elizabeth Van Lew’s role as a spymaster during the Civil War.” Summaries generally do not include incredibly specific details, such as the number of messages she sent weekly, or what she put in an empty eggshell.

How does this excerpt develop the central idea that espionage during the Civil War was often carried out by untrained citizens?

How does this excerpt develop the central idea that espionage during the Civil War was often carried out by untrained citizens? It explains an ordinary person’s motivation for conducting espionage against the enemy. It adds moral complexity to espionage, due to the use of secret and dangerous methods.