What is the collective noun for guns?

What is the collective noun for guns?


What is the collective noun for artillery?

Collective nouns for objects & things

Item Collective Nouns
Apples Bushel
Arrows Quiver
Artillery Battery
Asteroids Belt

What is the collective noun for bullets?

Collective Nouns – Things

Noun Collective Noun Noun
bullets hail mutton
bushes clump/ hedge names
cakes batch notes
cards deck/pack paper

What are 3 collective nouns?

Here are some examples of collective nouns:

  • Flock.
  • Crowd.
  • Committee.
  • Choir.
  • Group.
  • Team.

What is the collective noun for people?

Common Collective Nouns for People Here is a list of words that can be used for different groups of people: Association. Band. Body.

What is the collective noun of wolves?


What do you call a bunch of idiots?

Answers.com. The collective noun for a group of idiots “a thicket of idiots.”

What is the collective noun of dogs?


What is the collective noun for tools?

Two collective nouns that could be used for ‘tools’ are ‘kit’ and ‘set.

What is the collective noun for trees?

Collective Nouns for Trees

collective noun description
plantation an area of trees deliberately planted by man as a forest operation, typically for timber production although not exclusively
Quercetum a collection of oak (Quercus spp.) trees forming a special type of arboretum

What is a group of teachers called?

Collective Noun of teachers is Faculty.

What is the collective noun for houses?


What is the collective noun of cars?

collective noun usage
fleet A fleet of cars
stack A stack of cars
mayhem A mayhem of cars

What is the collective noun of singers?


What is the collective noun for judges?

The collective nouns for judges include panel or bench, as in the group of judges as part of the panel or who sit on the bench.

What is a group of husbands called?

List of Collective Nouns for People ??????‍?‍?‍? & Professions ?‍⚕️?‍⚕️

Human Group ?‍?‍?‍? Singular Collective terms
Experts Expert panel
Fishermen Fisherman drift, sulk, grumble
Guests Guest cohort
Husbands Husband unhappiness

What is a group of pandas called?

A group of pandas is called an embarrassment.

What do squirrels hate the most?

Scents like white pepper, black pepper, and garlic are naturally unpleasant to a squirrel. The same goes for sweet smells such as peppermint. Try spraying your plants and flowers with water and then sprinkling on pepper or peppermint oil to deter squirrels.

What is a group of zebras called?

A group of zebras can be called a dazzle. Zebras can also be called a herd or a zeal.

What do you call a group of rabbits?

A group of rabbits is called a “herd”, just like a group of cattle. A herd of rabbits lives in a warren.

What is a bunch of rabbit babies called?

A group of baby rabbits produced from a single mating is referred to as a litter and a group of domestic rabbits living together is sometimes called a herd.

What do you call a group of rabbits or hares?

The Hare is a cousin of the rabbit, and a group of Hares is known as a drove, or less commonly a husk. FACTS. The name given to any group of animals is a Collective Noun. For example, a Herd of Elephants is a collective noun. A Male Rabbit is a Buck and a Female Rabbit is a Doe.

What does Fluffle mean?

A fluffle is what our neighbors to the north, in Canada, call a group or herd of rabbits.

What is a Fluffle person?

A group of bunnies is called a fluffle.

What is the collective noun for guns?

What is the collective noun for guns?


What is another name for machine gun?

Synonyms of machine gun

  • AK-47,
  • assault rifle,
  • assault weapon,
  • automatic,
  • carbine,
  • machine pistol,
  • repeater,
  • submachine gun,

What does it mean to machine a gun?

transitive verb. : to shoot at, wound, or kill (someone or something) with a machine gun … machine-gunned a marauding gang of terrorists outside the U.S. embassy …—

What do you call a group of idiots?

Answers.com. The collective noun for a group of idiots “a thicket of idiots.”

How do you spell idiots?

Correct spelling for the English word “idiots” is [ˈɪdɪəts], [ˈɪdɪəts], [ˈɪ_d_ɪ__ə_t_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for IDIOTS

  1. idiot,
  2. idiotic,
  3. dots,
  4. Diets,
  5. adios.

What is an idiotic person?

(ɪdiɒtɪk ) adjective. If you call someone or something idiotic, you mean that they are very stupid or silly.

What do you call a foolish person?

1 stupid, witless, brainless, senseless, unintelligent; ridiculous, absurd, nonsensical, preposterous. 1, 2 imprudent, thoughtless, 2 impetuous, rash, reckless, foolhardy, half-baked, heedless, incautious.

What do you call someone who is not intelligent?

Adjective. Having or showing a low level of intelligence. unintelligent. stupid. dumb.

What’s a fancy word for dumb?

What is another word for dumb?

stupid dense
dopey dull
idiotic ignorant
imbecilic obtuse
slow daft

Can ignorant mean rude?

The definition of ignorant is something or someone lacking in knowledge, or is stupid or rude.

Is it OK to call someone ignorant?

Calling someone ignorant has evolved over the years into a basic insult on par with calling someone stupid, but it is paramount to understand that ignorant and stupid are not the same thing. In reality, it is perfectly fine to be ignorant.

Is ignorance a stupidity?

The intrinsic difference is that ignorance simply implies lack of awareness about something, while stupidity denotes the inability of a person to understand something due to insufficient intelligence, thus leading to the misinterpretation of a fact.

Does ignorant mean dumb?

Ignorant and stupid are adjectives. Ignorant means lacking knowledge. Stupid means lacking brainpower.

What is worse than being ignorant?

Half knowledge is worse than ignorance. Thomas B. Macaulay – Forbes Quotes.

What ignorance is bliss?

—used to say that a person who does not know about a problem does not worry about it He never keeps up with the news or cares about the troubles in the world because he believes that ignorance is bliss.

What is the true meaning of bliss?

noun. supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss. a cause of great joy or happiness.

What does pure bliss?

uncountable noun. Bliss is a state of complete happiness.

How do you use bliss?

We wish them a lifetime of wedded bliss together. Reading takes me to eternal bliss where I don’t know where the current is going to take me. He has not yet entered into the highest experience of heavenly bliss that God has in store for him.

What are antonyms for bliss?

bliss. Antonyms: condemnation, accursedness, suffering, misery, woe. Synonyms: blessedness, joy, ecstasy, rapture.

What is euphoric love?

You feel charged and euphoric around them When you’re around the person you love, increases in dopamine and norepinephrine lead to feelings of: pleasure. giddiness. nervous excitement.