What is the comparative and superlative for smart?

What is the comparative and superlative for smart?

Yet, “smarter” is the correct form in the comparative of the word “smart.” Why is this? Here’s our rule: When comparing items with single-syllable, use “-er” or “-est.” When comparing items with multiple syllables, use “more” or “less.” And never the two shall mix.

What is the comparative smart?


Is Smartest a real word?

Superlative form of smart: most smart.

Who is a intelligent person?

: having or showing the ability to easily learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations : having or showing a lot of intelligence. : able to learn and understand things. : having an ability to deal with problems or situations that resembles or suggests the ability of an intelligent person.

What does knowledgeable mean?

: having or showing knowledge or intelligence.

What does glanced mean?

intransitive verb. 1a : to take a quick look at something glanced at his watch. b of the eyes : to move swiftly from one thing to another. 2 : to strike a surface obliquely so as to go off at an angle The bullet glanced off the wall.

What type of word is knowledgeable?

adjective. possessing or exhibiting knowledge, insight, or understanding; intelligent; well-informed; discerning; perceptive.

What is a knowledgeable person called?

adjective. 1’a knowledgeable old man’ SYNONYMS. well informed, informed, learned, with great knowledge, well read, well educated, educated, widely read, erudite, scholarly, cultured, cultivated, enlightened, aware.

How do you describe someone who knows everything?


What is a well educated person called?

erudite. The definition of erudite is someone who has wide range of knowledge and is well-read.

What is another name for educated?

What is another word for educated?

informed learned
knowledgeable lettered
enlightened erudite
literary literate
schooled tutored

Is well educated two words?

It’s not an up room that is also warm, so the hyphen tells us to read the two words as one. The same is true of sight-reading room. But when the same term appears on the other side of the verb, or without a noun to modify, we drop the hyphen: (Now “well educated” modifies Clifton, on the other side of the verb.)

What is well educated?

Definitions of well-educated. adjective. highly educated; having extensive information or understanding. synonyms: knowing, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, well-read educated. possessing an education (especially having more than average knowledge)

How do I know if I am well educated?

A well educated person speaks well to make themselves clear. They sound smart. They generally mention where they were schooled to let others know they’re educated. Some highly educated people feel awkward sitting around a table with nitwits.

How can you tell if someone is uneducated?

concerned signs are:

  1. an uneducated person has complex expression of a meaning by use of a part of language.
  2. an uneducated person is not able to write clearly about it’s own nature and it’s relationships or works etc.
  3. an uneducated person does not write anything about a subject frequently.

What are the characteristics of an educated person?

Here are eight qualities of an educated person:

  • Intellectual curiosity. Educated individuals are lifelong learners.
  • Intellectual humility.
  • Cultural literacy.
  • Aesthetic appreciation.
  • Creative thinking.
  • A sense of humor.
  • An evolved political viewpoint.
  • An evolved spiritual/philosophical viewpoint.

What is the difference between educated and uneducated people?

The difference between an educated and uneducated person is their thought process, mentality, and behavior. Education is for one’s knowledge and wisdom. An uneducated person is more open-minded, welcoming attitude towards others. An educated person is self-centered on the other hand.

How can I look highly educated?

You do not always have to be the one speaking in order to be viewed as educated. It can be conveyed in how you act, as well. Make an effort to listen attentively….Educate yourself.

  1. Learning a foreign language, or select words in other languages.
  2. Keep up on news and current events.
  3. Research areas of interest.

What does an educated man want in life?

This is to say, truly educated people love learning, but they love wisdom more. They can appreciate a closely reasoned argument without being unduly impressed by mere logic. They understand that knowledge serves values, and they strive to put these two–knowledge and values–into constant dialogue with each other.

What makes a man educated?

An educated person has the ability to think inductively and deductively. An educated person knows how to make productive use of knowledge; they know where to get the knowledge that they need, and they have the ability to organize that knowledge into a plan of action that is directed to a definite end.

What are the marks of an educated man?

In his essay “The Marks of an Educated Man”, Butler listed five traits of an educated man: correctness and precision in the mother tongue, gentle manners, power and habit of reflection, power of growth, and his possession of efficiency/power to do so.

What then is an educated man?

“The educated man is a man with certain subtle spiritual qualities, which make him calm in adversity, happy when alone, just in his dealings, rational and sane in the fullest meaning of that word in all the affairs of his life.”

What is the message of the educated man?

His message was that the educated man is responsible enough to take part of his role in the nation. He wanted to make them believe in the real meaning of youth and educated man so that he could make them move, so that he could make them help in pursuing justice and democracy in the nation.

Who said that every educated man should know how do you dance gracefully?

Plato and his disciple, Aristotle, thought that every educated man should know how to dance gracefully. 16.

Why did Socrates feel every educated man should know how do you dance gracefully?

Plato agreed with Socrates that every educated man should know how to dance gracefully because dance,like poetry, could teach important life lessons. And thus it is hard for dancers to be recognized as professionals even when these dancers actually have degrees and titles.