What is the correct spelling of deepest?

What is the correct spelling of deepest?

Correct spelling for the English word “deepest” is [dˈiːpəst], [dˈiːpəst], [d_ˈiː_p_ə_s_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does deep mean?

1 : extending far from some surface or area: such as. a : extending far downward a deep well a deep chasm. b(1) : extending well inward from an outer surface a deep gash a deep-chested animal. (2) : not located superficially within the body deep pressure receptors in muscles.

What is another word for deepest?

Deepest Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for deepest?

inmost nethermost
innermost inward
deep hidden
veiled inner
deep-seated confidential

How do you spell sympathy?

noun, plural sym·pa·thies. the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another, especially in sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling, compassion, or commiseration. sympathies, feelings or impulses of compassion. feelings of favor, support, or loyalty: It’s hard to tell where your sympathies lie.

What’s a good condolence message?

May fond memories of your ________ bring you comfort during this hard time in your life. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I/We am/are truly sorry to hear of the loss of (Name). Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you and hasten the journey of his/her soul to Heaven.

Is it proper to say happy death anniversary?

For many bereaved, the days leading up to are as hard as (if not harder than) the day of. Even a belated acknowledgment is better than none. Avoid cheery, cliché greeting-card greetings. Don’t say, “Happy Anniversary” as if this year is no different (even though you do wish them happiness).

How do you write a memorial tribute to a friend?

Here are five key strategies and some practical tips for writing a memorable tribute:

  1. Keep yourself out of it. This may seem strange advice at first.
  2. Speak honestly and pay attention to rhythm.
  3. Reach out to all your listeners.
  4. Don’t try to be eloquent.
  5. Get personal.

How do you write a tribute to someone special?

How to honor someone special in your life by writing a tribute

  1. Think of specific examples of when this person was there for you or did something that made your life better.
  2. Expand your writing to describe the impact, how you changed because of this person, and why it mattered.
  3. Write as many memories as possible.

What do you write on a tribute wall?

A Short List of Appropriate Phrases:

  • Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
  • Please accept my condolences on the loss of your partner.
  • With deepest sympathy for your loss.
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • Please know our loving thoughts embrace you each and every day.

What is the difference between tribute and homage?

As nouns the difference between tribute and homage is that tribute is an acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift while homage is (historical) in feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to honor his or her lord’s rights.