What is the density of a 36 g object with a volume of 15 cm3?

What is the density of a 36 g object with a volume of 15 cm3?

Answer: Density of an object is 2.4 g/cm³.

What happens when an object has a density greater than that of the surrounding liquid?

Density is defined as mass per unit volume. Mathematically, This shows that density is proportional to mass of the object, that is, more is density more will be the mass of object. Thus, when an object has a density greater than that of the surrounding liquid then the object will sink into the liquid.

Which object will sink in freshwater which has a density of 1.0 g cm3 object 1 which has a density of .08 g cm3?

Answer: all object having a mass volumic >1 kg/dm^3 will sink in water which has a mass volumic of 1kg/dm^3 .

Is the density and volume of an object is known what can also be found?

If density is known and volume is known one can easily determine the mass of the given substance.

What is the density of a 700 kg object?

0.927 kg/m3

What is the difference between density and volume?

Volume – How much space an object or substance takes up. Mass – Measurement of the amount of matter in an object or substance. Density – How much space an object or substance takes up (its volume) in relation to the amount of matter in that object or substance (its mass). The amount of mass per unit of volume.

Does higher density mean higher volume?

Density is determined by an object’s mass and volume. If two objects take up the same volume, but have one has more mass, then it also has a higher density. It is about how heavy something is compared to the same amount (volume) of water.

Are mass and volume directly proportional?

We can say that the volume of the object is directly proportional to its mass. As the volume increases the mass of the object increases in direct proportion. The gradient of the graph equals the density of the material.

What is the relationship between density volume and mass?

An object’s density is the ratio of mass to volume of an object. The mass is how much it resists acceleration when a force is applied to it and generally means how much of an object or substance there is. Volume describes how much space an object takes up.

What is the relationship between volume and mass?

Mass and volume are two units used to measure objects. Mass is the amount of matter an object contains, while volume is how much space it takes up. Example: A bowling ball and a basketball are about the same volume as each other, but the bowling ball has much more mass.

What is the relationship between mass volume and density quizlet?

Density is proportional to mass and inversely proportional to volume.

What is the relationship between volume and mass of water?

The relationship between mass and volume is called density, and measures the amount of mass that fits in a given volume. Water has a density of 1 kg /L, that is, 1 liter of water has a mass of exactly 1 kg.

Does volume depend on mass?

The mass depends on the volume and, in turn, the volume depends on the mass. If we maintain the pressure and temperature of this gas and fill an object which can vary its volume, like a balloon, or a cylinder with a sliding end, the final volume depends directly on the amount of the gas that we inject.

Is density the amount of matter in a given space?

density – The amount of matter in a given space. In scientific terms, density is the amount of mass in a unit of volume.

Does all matter have density?

DENSITY is a physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a unique density associated with it. Density defined in a qualitative manner as the measure of the relative “heaviness” of objects with a constant volume….

Densities of Common Elements and Compounds
Substance Density grams per mL
Mercury, Hg 13.5

Is density a extensive property?

The ratio of two extensive properties of the same object or system is an intensive property. For example, the ratio of an object’s mass and volume, which are two extensive properties, is density, which is an intensive property.

What are three extensive properties?

Extensive Properties

  • Volume.
  • Mass.
  • Size.
  • Weight.
  • Length.

Which of following is extensive property?

Pressure, volume and temperature are all extensive properties.

Which out of the following is an extensive property?

Is temperature an extensive property?

Extensive properties depend on the amount of matter present, for example, the mass of gold. Intensive properties do not depend on the amount of matter present, for example, the density of gold. Heat is an example of an extensive property, and temperature is an example of an intensive property.

Which one of the following is not extensive property?

Since refractive index is not dependent on the amount it is not an extensive property.

Which one of the following is the intensive property?

Intensive properties: Properties which are independent of the amount of substance (or substances) present in the system are called intensive properties, e.g. pressure, density, temperature, viscosity, surface tension, refractive index, emf, chemical potential, sp. heat etc, These are intensive properties.

Is density intensive or extensive?

The density (d) of a substance is an intensive property that is defined as the ratio of its mass (m) to its volume (V). Considering that mass and volume are both extensive properties, explain why their ratio, density, is intensive.

Is pressure an extensive property?

Pressure and temperature are intensive property. Mass and volume are extensive property. Split the box in half, mass and volume gets divided by 2. Whereas pressure or temperature of each remains the same.

Is stress an intensive or extensive property?

Stress is independent of mass. e) Extensive. If the mass doubles, the mass doubles.

Is heat capacity an intensive or extensive property?

The heat capacity C of a substance is the amount of heat required to change its temperature by one degree, and has units of energy per degree. The heat capacity is therefore an extensive variable since a large quantity of matter will have a proportionally large heat capacity.