What is the dictionary definition of harass?

What is the dictionary definition of harass?

to disturb or bother persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; pester: He stays up late, harassed with doubt and anxiety. to intimidate or coerce, as with persistent demands or threats: Apparently a parent has been harassing the school principal with late-night phone calls.

What type of word is harass?

Persistent attacks and criticism causing worry and distress. Deliberate pestering or annoying. Excessive intimidation.

How do you spell the word harassment?

noun. an act or instance of harassing; torment, vexation, or intimidation: daily harassment by bullies at school;the harassments of daily life. the condition or fact of being harassed: the stress of harassment and discrimination.

Are there two ways to pronounce harassment?

‘Harassment’ rhymes with, ’embarrassment’. ‘Harass’ rhymes with ’embarrass’. Try pronouncing ’embarrassed’ as you pronounce ‘harassed’.

Where is the accent in the word harassment?

The correct spelling is harass. You may pronounce it either way, with an accent on the first syllable or the last. In American English, the better pronunciation accents the second syllable.

What do you call people from India?

The correct demonym or term when referring to people who came from India is Indians. In America, you can call them Asian Indians to distinguish them from the Native Americans. You can also call them Hindustani or Bharati.

What do you call an Indian woman?

The English word squaw is an ethnic and sexual slur, historically used for Indigenous North American women. Contemporary use of the term, especially by non-Natives, is considered offensive, derogatory, misogynist and racist. The word is not used among Native American, First Nations, Inuit, or Métis peoples.

What is an Indian baby called?


What is Warrior in Native American?

The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children – the future of humanity. – Sitting Bull, Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux.

What does Brave mean in Native American?

However, Don McGuire of Halifax tells us that George Catlin, the famous 19th-century author and portrait-painter of native Americans, used the term “brave” in reference to a native American male who had not yet “counted coup,” that is, not touched an enemy in battle with his hand, bow or stick.