What is the difference between ANS and Annees in French?

What is the difference between ANS and Annees in French?

The word année in French is used to talk about a period The word année refers to a period, whereas an is a time reference. Therefore, we use the word année. The same rule applies to this sentence: il est en troisième année de médecine (he is in his third year of medical studies)

What’s the difference between Année and an?

The word an tends to view the year as a single, objective “point” in time for the purpose of counting, stating a date etc; the word année is more subjective: it is used to describe a particular year, or focus on the elapsed time and events that occur in a particular year or years.

Is the French word for year masculine or feminine?

Year in French is translated as “un an” (masculine) or “une année”, and they are not interchangeable.

What is the meaning of MOIS in English?

noun. month [noun] one of the twelve divisions of the year (January, February etc), varying in length between 28 and 31 days.

What is the difference between JE and J in French?

J’ is a Je indeed, but it is not the same as the do not/don’t contraction. In the case of do not/don’t, you contract because you want to save some effort/time by biting one syllable.

What happens when two vowels are together in French?

The combination e + u has the sound uh, like the e of the. Examples include: jeu (juh) (game), peu (puh) (a little), deux (duh) (two), and all adjectives ending in eux, such as heureux (uh-ruh) (happy). The combination e + z also sounds like the first e in the English word ceremony. It is equivalent to the French é.

Why do you put an apostrophe in French?

The apostrophe in French is used to replace a final vowel which is not pronounced because the next word also start with a vowel or silent “h”.

What is the French apostrophe called?

The accent aigu, also known as the acute accent, looks like this: ´, a little apostrophe-like mark that floats up in to the sky, like a bird in flight (é). Aigu, which sounds like egg-ew, can only be on the letter e. Think of eggs or a tasty French omelette to help you remember this rule.

What are French quotation marks called?


Why are French quotes weird?

Online, people tend to use “these” quotation marks because « these » aren’t on standard keyboards in France (although they are on the French Canadian keyboard). There are easy(ish) ways to type the proper quotes, but typing the English quotes is even easier so people typically don’t bother.

Do the French use commas?

In French, the comma is used as a decimal point: 2.5 (English) = 2,5 (French). It’s not used to separate three digits (see point 3)….Commas “,”

French English
2,5 (deux virgule cinq) 2.500 (deux mille cinq cents) 2.5 (two point five) 2,500 (two thousand five hundred)

Does the Oxford comma exist in French?

Short answer is “no” if one is transferring the (optional/stylistic) Oxford comma rule to French; that debate does not exist in French. The proper rule when listing three or more elements does not call for a comma to be inserted before the conjunction that precedes a final list element.