What is the falling action in Hamlet?

What is the falling action in Hamlet?

The play’s falling action deals with the consequences of Polonius’s death. Hamlet is sent away, Ophelia goes mad and Laertes returns from France to avenge his father’s death. When Hamlet comes back to Elsinore, he no longer seems to be concerned with revenge, which he hardly mentions after this point in the play.

How is the ghost of Hamlet’s father related to the rising action of the play?

Answer: He causes Hamlet to seek revenge against Claudius. Explanation: According to the play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, the ghost of Hamlet’s father contributes to the rising action of the play by causing Hamlet to seek revenge against Claudius.

Did the colonists support the Stamp Act?

The Stamp Act was very unpopular among colonists. A majority considered it a violation of their rights as Englishmen to be taxed without their consent—consent that only the colonial legislatures could grant. Their slogan was “No taxation without representation”.

How did the colonists react to the Quartering Act quizlet?

They felt the British government had no reason to tax them and… The colonists were angry that the British taxed them.

How did parliament react when New York refused to enforce the Quartering Act?

It refused to allow the assembly to meet until New York obeyed the act. How did Parliament react when New York refused to enforce the Quartering Act? British soldiers panicked during a riot and killed five colonists. It passed a series of harsh new laws to prove Britain’s authority over the colonies.

Which colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion?

Chapter 5, Steele

Question Answer
Which colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion? Loyalists
Which colonists wanted to fight the British for American independence? Patriots
George Washington was chosen commander of the Continental Army upon the recommendation of John Adams.

What was the impact of quartering troops in the colonies quizlet?

How did the Quartering Act impact the colonists? The soldiers came into the colonists’ houses, took authority, ate their food, took the family’s resources, and expected royal treatment. The colonists grew very tired of this and wanted to protest against this act. This act changed the well-being of many people.

Which act did the colonists hate the most?

hated Townshend Act

What laws did the colonists have to follow?

Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. Every natural right not expressly given up, or, from the nature of a social compact, necessarily ceded, remains.

Which grievances listed violate the colonists natural rights?

26. Let’s recap a little bit. Remember that the Declaration of Independence argued that protecting natural rights was the most important job of government. And the Declaration listed grievances against the King of England, ways in which he was violating the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

How did the colonists protest the Stamp Act?

Arguing that only their own representative assemblies could tax them, the colonists insisted that the act was unconstitutional, and they resorted to mob violence to intimidate stamp collectors into resigning.

What is the internal conflict Hamlet expresses in his soliloquy at the end of Act 2?

What internal conflict is expressed in Hamlet’s soliloquy in Scene 2, lines 558-588? Hamlet is left with himself wondering if he is courageous enough to pull of a stunt like his revenge for King Claudius. At the end of Act II, Hamlet reveals his plan for testing Claudius’s guilt.

What aspect of Hamlet’s concept of death desire for death is revealed in Hamlet’s first soliloquy?

To watch over Hamlet since he killed his father. What aspect of Hamlet’s concept of death/desire for death is revealed in Hamlet’s first soliloquy? He wishes to be dead because he believes the world is like an unweeded garden that he doesn’t want to be in.

What is the difference between Ophelia’s madness and Hamlet’s madness?

Hamlet’s madness is fueled by his father’s death and his desire to seek revenge on the man who killed him. Ophelia’s madness stems from her lack of identity and her feelings of helplessness regarding her own life.

What does Ophelia represent in Hamlet?

Q: What does Ophelia represent in Hamlet? Ophelia represents femininity in Hamlet. Hamlet acts out his aggression toward his mother on her, which finally leads to her madness.