What is the German name for Easter Bunny?

What is the German name for Easter Bunny?


What are the Easter words?

Word List

Sacrifice risen God
crucifixion crucify resurrection
cross holy Lent
bouquet bunny chocolate
Easter egg hunt Happy Easter! Ash Wednesday

How do you say wishes for Easter?


  1. “Happy Easter and God bless.”
  2. “Happy, hoppy Easter to you!”
  3. “Hoping your Easter is extra bright and happy this year.”
  4. “Wishing you sunshine, good times and a very happy Easter!”
  5. “Happy Easter to the whole family!
  6. “Just wanted to say a warm springtime hello and wish you a happy Easter!”

How do you say Happy Easter in German?

“Happy Easter!” in German Frohe Ostern!

Is it OK to wish happy Easter?

Yes, it’s fine to wish anyone ‘Happy Easter’ because it’s a celebration of Jesus’s return to life after 3rd day of his resurrection. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which is one of the chief tenets of the Christian faith. So it is always good to wish your Christian friend and his/her family a happy Easter.

Why do Germans call Good Friday Karfreitag?

Karfreitag in English means “Good Friday”, which seems contrary to its German meaning. According to Duden, the Kar in Karfreitag comes from the Mid High German word chara, which means “wail,” “sorrow” or “lamentation.” Another, less common word for Karfreitag is stiller Freitag – “silent Friday.”

What is Easter Monday called in Germany?


How do you congratulate someone on their wedding in German?

Glückwünsche zu deiner Hochzeit. Congratulations on your wedding.

What is the correct response to Danke?


What are popular German phrases?

Basic German Phrases

  • Guten Tag = Good morning.
  • Hallo = Hello.
  • Ich heiße … = My name is …
  • Sprechen Sie Englisch? = Do you speak English?
  • Wie heißt du? = What’s your name?
  • Wie geht es dir? = How are you?
  • Gut, danke = Fine, thank you.
  • Nett, Sie kennen zu lernen = Nice to meet you.