What is the Greek equivalent of Bon Appetit?

What is the Greek equivalent of Bon Appetit?

Bon appétit in many languages

Language Bon appetit / Have a nice meal
German Guten Appetit! Mahlzeit!
Greek (Ancient) Τὸ δεῖπνον ἐστ’ ἐπεσκευασμένον (Tó deípnon est’ epeskeuasménon)
Greek (Modern) Καλή όρεξη! (Kalí óreksi!)
Greenlandic Nerilluarisi

How do you say Bon Appetit in Mediterranean?

bon appétit {interjection} καλή όρεξη {interj.}

What is Bon Voyage in Greek?

bon voyage {interjection} καλό ταξίδι {interj.} voyage.

How do you say safe journey in different languages?

Have a safe journey!

English Have a safe journey!
Spanish ¡Buen viaje!
French Bon voyage!
German Gute Fahrt!
Italian Buon viaggio!

What’s another word for journey?

What is another word for journey?

adventure campaign
expedition trip
voyage venture
pilgrimage course
quest crossing

How do you say have a good journey?

Generic Safe Journey Quotes

  1. Bon Voyage and get there safe!
  2. Safe Travels!
  3. Enjoy the journey!
  4. The road ahead may be long and winding but you’ll make it there safe and sound.
  5. Wishing you a safe journey and a relaxing vacation when you arrive!
  6. May your journey be free from stress and bring you home safely.

What is a safe flight in other languages?

The phrase, bon voyage, is used in English without change, though the pronunciation is quite like the French….Bon voyage / have a good journey in many languages.

Language Bon voyage / Have a good journey
Afrikaans Veilige reis! Voorspoedige reis!
Albanian (Gheg) Rrug a mär
Albanian (Tosk) Rrugë të mbarë

How do you say goodbye in different languages?

How To Say Goodbye In Different Languages

  1. Spanish = Adios.
  2. Italian = Arrivederci.
  3. French = Au Revoir.
  4. Portuguese = Adeus.
  5. German = Auf Wiedersehen.
  6. Japanese = Sayōnara.
  7. Russian = Do svidaniya.
  8. Korean = Annyeong.

What does fly safe mean?

First, “Fly safely” means “Fly in a manner which is safe”. It’s the same as “drive carefully” and not “drive careful”. You cannot “drive careful/safe/good”. It is physically impossible. You cannot do something that describes something else; you can only do something in a certain way.

Can we say fly safe?

The phrase can be used to a relative/friend who is catching a flight . But as a airline official you create a negative impact on the customer when you say it. It means your airline is not safe to travel with . You can either say “have a pleasant flight” or “have a wonderful flight”.

What should a pilot say before a flight?

Pilots Have Their Own Secret Language. Here’s What They’re Really Saying

  • “Let’s kick the tires and light the fires”
  • “Feet wet”
  • “We’ve got a deadhead crew flying to Chicago”
  • “There’s a pilot in the jumpseat”
  • “It’s 17:00 Zulu time”
  • “George is flying the plane now”
  • “We’re flying through an air pocket”

Why do pilots say heavy?

The word “heavy” means a larger aircraft type, with a Maximum Takeoff Weight of 160 tonnes or more. These aircraft create wake turbulence from their wings and require extra separation between following aircraft, and the use of “heavy” reminds other pilots of that fact.

Why do pilots say contact?

After the propeller is pulled through several revolutions, the crewmember would pause and indicate the engine was ready to start. The pilot would respond by shouting “contact” as he switched the magneto switch to both and moved the mixture to full rich.

Why do pilots yell clear?

Greaser! PoA Supporter. So the majority of us pilots have been trained to shout ‘clear prop’ prior to starting our engine(s) to make sure the area around the airplane and propeller is clear.

Can pilots talk to each other?

The strictly enforced Sterile Cockpit Rule means pilots are barely allowed to talk to each other if their aircraft is flying below 10,000 feet (about three kilometres). The regulation was introduced in 1974 in response to the crash of Eastern Air Lines flight 212.

Can pilots read while flying?

Pilots can and do read books, magazines and newspapers in flight. As you have to listen out to ATC and be aware of what is happening around you at all times, listening to lectures, TED talks or audio books is frowned upon.

Do pilots cheat?

The fact is that yes pilots are constantly being placed in situations that could welcome cheating, but the reality is people are disloyal in their relationships regardless of their profession, and not all pilots fall under this general stereotype. Dating or marrying a pilot does however take a certain type of person.

What do pilots do while flying?

Pilots keep flight deck lights up, and engage in conversation to help keep alert. If there are additional pilots, then there is a rest break (though on a flight like JFK – LHR, there might not be as the flight time is normally less than 8 hours). If there is not an additional pilot, then there are no rest breaks.

Do airline pilots carry guns?

A year later, the Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act was passed, allowing US pilots – working for US airlines – to carry guns in the cockpit. The first class of Federal Flight Deck Officers, as the gun-carrying pilots are known, graduated in April 2003. Classes have run ever since.

What is the most unsafe plane?

The Most Unsafe Airplanes in the World

  1. Boeing 737 JT8D. One crash per: 507 500 flying hours.
  2. IL-76. One crash per: 549 900 flying hours.
  3. Tu-154. One crash per: 1 041 000 flying hours.
  4. Airbus A310. One crash per: 1 067 700 flying hours.
  5. McDonnell-Douglas DC-9.
  6. Tu-134.
  7. Boeing 727.
  8. McDonnell-Douglas MD-80.

Do pilots get bored?

“You are always watching, monitoring, and managing the flight’s progress, as well as keeping an eye on the airplane’s various systems, but yes, it can get boring up there.” What exactly are pilots doing up there at 36,000 feet, when the boredom sets in, and they think nobody is paying attention?

Do pilots have a toilet in the cockpit?

Of course they use the bathroom, they do. When one of the pilots needs to use the facilities, a flight attendant goes into the cockpit, the pilot who needs to answer the call of nature leaves the cockpit, and the door locked, insuring there are two members of the crew on the flight deck.

Do pilots work 40 hours a week?

The FAA rules state an airline pilot can fly up to 100 hours in a month and not exceed 8 hours of actual flying time within a 24 hour period. Sure, that seems like a great deal considering most folks work on average of 40 plus hours per week which is 160 hours or more a month.

Where do pilots hang out?

Assuming you’re talking about airline pilots, they stay in a hotel, along with the rest of the aircrew. They have to have at least a full night’s rest. It depends. Typically a pilot and flight crew will be based out of one airport, and their flights will be scheduled so that they end up where they started.