What is the longest sentence without repeating letters?

What is the longest sentence without repeating letters?


What is the 26 letter word?

The longest official geographical name in Australia is Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya. It has 26 letters and is a Pitjantjatjara word meaning “where the Devil urinates”.

Is there a perfect Pangram?

A pangram sentence contains all 26 letters of the alphabet. There is no “perfect pangram”, assuming you meant one with exactly 26 letters. However, logically all pangram sentences containing all 26 letters of the alphabet are correct and therefore perfect pangrams.

What word contains all 26 letters but only has three syllables?


What is the smallest sentence with all the English alphabet?

“Was discussing with friends the shortest possible sentence using all 26 letters of the English alphabet. A new winner has emerged! Trophy was held for years by “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”(32 letters) But “Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs”= 31!

Is no a full sentence?

If you go along with saying “yes” to things you don’t really want to do, you are going to need to learn to put the word “no” in your vocabulary. Not only that, but you need to remember that “No” is a complete sentence.

What is the shortest word in the English language?


What called alphabet?

An alphabet is a writing system, a list of symbols for writing. The basic symbols in an alphabet are called letters. In an alphabet, each letter is a symbol for a sound or related sounds. The name alphabet comes from Aleph and Beth, the first two letters in the Phoenician alphabet.

Who invented letter writing?


Is the alphabet in order for a reason?

The practice of having the letters in an established order makes sense: It’s easier to teach and to learn. Why some ancient people put them in that specific order, though, is unknown. Whoever did it didn’t leave any record that we know of explaining why they lined the letters up like that.

When was the letter J invented?