What is the main struggle in Beowulf?

What is the main struggle in Beowulf?

There are three central conflicts: Grendel’s domination of Heorot Hall; the vengeance of Grendel’s mother after Grendel is slain; and the rage of the dragon after a thief steals a treasure that it has been guarding.

What can you infer from Hrothgar sharing this story of the relationship between himself and Beowulf?

“There should be nothing hidden or withheld between us.” Infer: What can you infer from Hrothgar sharing this story of the relationship between himself and the poem’s hero? – From what Hrothgar has stated on the past relationship between himself and the poems hero, Beowulf, it seems there is debt owed in which Hrothgar …

How is the enemy defeated in Beowulf?

How is the enemy defeated? Beowulf’s sword remnant shatters and the dragon wounds him in the neck. Wiglaf strikes at the dragon with Beowulf and they succeed in killing the dragon. He dies leaving Wiglaf to rule as king.

What was Beowulf’s sword called?

befits Hrunting

Why did Beowulf’s sword melt?

It is “an old sword made by giants, string of its edges, glory of warriors.” Beowulf uses this sword to kill Grendel’s mother by hitting her from above, thus breaking her collar-bones and slicing her into two halves. Meanwhile, the blade of Beowulf’s new sword melts because the blood is too hot and poisonous for it.

Why is it significant that Beowulf can wield the sword?

25. Lines 513–523: What is the significance of Beowulf’s ability to wield the sword? The significanceof Beowulf being able to get this sword is that he is the hero of the story. It was supposed to show howstrong and worthy Beowulf is.

Why does unferth give Beowulf Hrunting?

If the Dane could fight as well as he talks, says Beowulf, King Hrothgar might not have such a problem with Grendel. Unferth later admits Beowulf’s superiority after the defeat of Grendel and lends him a treasured sword, Hrunting, for the battle with Grendel’s mother.