What is the meaning of catastrophe in English?

What is the meaning of catastrophe in English?

1 : a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin Deforestation and erosion can lead to an ecological catastrophe. 2 : utter failure : fiasco the party was a catastrophe.

What is the appropriate meaning of edifice?

1 : building especially : a large or massive structure. 2 : a large abstract structure holds together the social edifice— R. H. Tawney.

What is the exemplification?

Defined exemplification is a pattern of essay development that uses specific instances (examples) to clarify a point, to add interest, or to persuade (Clouse, 2006). Exemplification means using examples to explain, convince, or amuse.

What does cataclysmic mean in English?

1 : flood, deluge. 2 : catastrophe sense 3a. 3 : a momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition broadly : an event that brings great changes an international economic cataclysm.

What is a cataclysmic person?

A cataclysmic event is one that changes a situation or society very greatly, especially in an unpleasant way. [formal] Few had expected that change to be as cataclysmic as it turned out to be. Synonyms: disastrous, devastating, catastrophic, calamitous More Synonyms of cataclysmic. You may also like.

Can cataclysmic be positive?

“The coming economic boom will be very joyful and will bring great happiness to everyone.” “A small nondestructive tsunami wave was reported to have hit the east coast of England and other countries around the North Sea.”…What is the opposite of cataclysmic?

fortunate advantageous
nice helpful
wonderful harmless
good favourableUK
lucky favorableUS

What is the opposite word of cataclysm?

Antonyms for cataclysm miracle, good luck, success, happiness, blessing, wonder, boon, good fortune.

Is Catharticism a word?

Catharsis and cathartic both trace to the Greek word kathairein, meaning “to cleanse, purge.” Catharsis entered English as a medical term having to do with purging the body—and especially the bowels—of unwanted material.

Which is an example of a cataclysm?

The definition of a cataclysm is a catastrophe or a large-scale and often violent event that causes change or upheaval. A devastating and destructive tsunami is an example of a cataclysm. A violent political uprising that leads to a new leader coming into power is an example of a cataclysm.

What does annihilate mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to cause to cease to exist : to do away with entirely so that nothing remains. b : to destroy a considerable part of Bombs annihilated the city. The enemy troops were annihilated.

What does apocalypse mean?

Apocalypse is the ancient title for the final book of the New Testament usually translated into English as The Book of Revelation. The Greek root for apocalypse [αποκαλυπτω | αποκαλυψισ] is a verb meaning to uncover, reveal, lay bare, or disclose.

What does equanimity mean?

1 : evenness of mind especially under stress nothing could disturb his equanimity. 2 : right disposition : balance physical equanimity.

Is equanimity a virtue?

Why Equanimity Is an Essential Buddhist Virtue In Buddhism, equanimity (in Pali, upekkha; in Sanskrit, upeksha) is one of the Four Immeasurables or four great virtues (along with compassion, loving kindness, and sympathetic joy) that the Buddha taught his disciples to cultivate.

Is equanimity an emotion?

Equanimity: An Emotion Regulation Strategy. In concert with the cultivation of an impartial attitude in response to all experience, equanimity involves the skillful process of “maintaining calm and mental equilibrium in the face of provocative stimuli” (Carmody et al., 2009).

How do I get equanimity?

4 Simple Ways to Maintain Equanimity

  1. Remember that equanimity is key and always prevails.
  2. Breathe, recite an equanimity mantra, and walk away.
  3. Visualize your vagus nerve, breathe, and let it go.
  4. Physical activity and meditation are pathways to equanimity.
  5. Conclusion: Make Equanimity Your Golden Rule.

What does equanimity feel like?

The dictionary defines equanimity as “mental calmness and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.” It refers to a mind that is at peace even in the face of stressful and unpleasant experiences.

What does equanimity look like?

Equanimity doesn’t mean that you don’t care about anything anymore or you have no feeling towards anything at all. That is being apathetic and indifferent. You are numbing yourself so that you don’t feel the emotions that you don’t want to feel. There is an aversion to the situation instead of an acceptance.

What is the 3 universal truths?

The Three Universal Truths: 1. Everything is impermanent and changing 2. Impermanence leads to suffering, making life imperfect 3. The self is not personal and unchanging.

Can you not drink as a Buddhist?

Yes, Buddhists take alcohol. Buddhism especially the Mahayana sect does not abhor alcohol but intoxication. And, intoxication results from drinking more than required by your body. Hence, it can make one lose his mind, indulge in stupid actions and worry little about consequences.

What Buddha said about God?

Buddhism’s teachings say that there are divine beings or gods called devas and other Buddhist deities, heavens and rebirths in its doctrine of saṃsāra or cyclical rebirth. Buddhism teaches that none of these gods as a creator or as being eternal, though they can live very long lives.

Does Buddhism deny God?

Buddhists seek to reach a state of nirvana, following the path of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who went on a quest for Enlightenment around the sixth century BC. There is no belief in a personal god. Buddhists believe that nothing is fixed or permanent and that change is always possible.

Did Buddha speak about God?

The Buddha did not speak of a creator deity, but he did speak of creation. So while he did not specifically say there is no creator god, in Buddhism, there is nothing for a creator god to do.

What God do Buddhist worship?

Most Buddhists do not believe in God. Although they respect and look up to the Buddha , they do not believe he was a god but they worship him as a form of respect. By doing this they show reverence and devotion to the Buddha and to bodhisattas .