What is the meaning of mope?

What is the meaning of mope?

intransitive verb. 1 : to give oneself up to brooding : become listless or dejected I was feeling depressed and just moped around all day. 2 : to move slowly or aimlessly : dawdle the little woman does mope along in traffic— Paul Jones.

Is mope a word in the dictionary?

verb (used with object), moped, mop·ing. to make dejected, listless, or apathetic.

What is the synonym of mope?

ˈmoʊp) Someone who wastes time. Synonyms. dilly-dallier dillydallier idler layabout lounger do-nothing bum dallier loafer. Antonyms.

How do you use mope in a sentence?

Mope sentence example

  1. If you’re feeling lonely, don’t just sit home and mope .
  2. If you sense your roommate is having a bad day, go study in the library for a few hours so he/she can mope in peace.

Why do we mope?

We mope when we’re sad, but part of moping is directed at other people, because moping is at least a little public. When someone says you’re “moping around,” they can tell you’re trying to let everyone know how sad you are.

What is the meaning of Pocha?

/ponchā/ mn. cloth countable noun. A cloth is a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose, such as cleaning.

What does sulking mean?

1 : the state of a person who is sullenly silent or irritable He has a case of the sulks. 2 : a sulky mood She’s in a sulk.

Is sulking immature?

Sulking can be regarded as very immature as it originates from the behaviors taken from one’s childhood. Sulking is based on unconditional claims of one’s needs and demands regardless of others needs and demands.

Are you sulking with me meaning?

/sʌlk/ to be silent and refuse to smile or be pleasant to people because you are angry about something that they have done: He’s sulking in his room because I wouldn’t let him have any more chocolate. Compare.

Is Amanda sulking and moody?

No Amanda is not sulking or moody. She does not like to listen to her parents’ constant scolding and nagging so she chooses to escape into an imaginary world.

What made Amanda sulk and Modi?

Ans. No, Amanda sulks and becomes moody when her mother gives her too many instructions. She does not listen to her mother and didn’t care to follow them but she can’t dare to ignore them either so, she sulks.

What did Amanda not do if she is Rapunzel?

She will not let her hair down. She feels that in that tall tower, she would do everything she wants to without anyone nagging her. She also says that she wouldn’t let her hair down unlike Rapunzel. By this, she means to say that she wouldn’t let anyone come inside the tower because she longs to live alone and freely.

What does Amanda want and why?

Amanda wants to be an orphan because she wants to live her life alone . She wants a peacefull life . She wants to roam around the street and pattern dust with her bare feet .

Why did Amanda asked not to eat chocolate?

Answer. Answer: Mother asks Amanda not to eat chocolates because she have acne. Amanda does not want let down her bright hair because she wants to live in peace.

Why should Amanda not eat chocolate?

Because chocolates create infections in the teeth of a human being which makes them feel pain and release a bad smell. Amanda was asked not to eat chocolate as she had acne before.

What should Amanda not to do to her soldiers?

What should Amanda not to do to her soldiers? Ans. She should not hunch her soldiers.

Who does Amanda think she is why?

Answer: Amanda is a moody girl. She is nagged most of the time. She often escapes from reality, which makes her moody and uninterested.

Why does Amanda want to be a mermaid?

Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid, an orphan, or Rapunzel? Answer: Amanda wishes to be a mermaid so she could drift alone by blissfully languid, emerald sea. She yearns to be an orphan so that she is able to roam the sea and make pattern using her bare feet.

What could Amanda do if you are a mermaid?

Answer: If Amanda were a mermaid, then she would drift slowly on a languid emerald sea. She would be the sole inhabitant of the relaxed green sea and would move slowly on it.

Is Amanda at fault at all?

Answer : Amanda is not at fault at all. It is too harsh for a small child to understand the concept of acne and not eating a chocolate. There is nothing worst for a child who wishes to be an orphan.

Why is Amanda yearn Rapunzel?

Amanda wants to be Rapunzel because she feels that life in the tower will be peaceful and unusual. She thinks she will be free and live in a peaceful environment in the tower. She also confirms to herself that she will never let her hair down to anyone so that nobody could come to her in the tower.

Did you finish your homework Amanda?

Did you finish your homework, Amanda? Amanda is being asked if she has finished her homework, cleaned her room. But Amanda is feeling like an orphan who is roaming aimlessly in a street. Like carefree kid she is making patterns on soft dust with her bare feet.

Did you finish your homework Amanda did you tidy your room Amanda I thought I told you to clean your shoes Amanda?

Answer. Answer: Explanation: I thought I told you to clean your shoes Amanda !”

What type of life does Amanda wish?

Amanda feels that her freedom has been curtailed. She is leading a controlled life under constant nagging. She wishes for a life free from all the restrictions. She wants to lead a life like a fairy, a mermaid or an orphan.

What is the meaning of mope?

What is the meaning of mope?

intransitive verb. 1 : to give oneself up to brooding : become listless or dejected I was feeling depressed and just moped around all day. 2 : to move slowly or aimlessly : dawdle the little woman does mope along in traffic— Paul Jones.

Is mope a word in the dictionary?

verb (used with object), moped, mop·ing. to make dejected, listless, or apathetic.

What is the synonym of mope?

ˈmoʊp) Someone who wastes time. Synonyms. dilly-dallier dillydallier idler layabout lounger do-nothing bum dallier loafer. Antonyms.

How do you use mope in a sentence?

Mope sentence example

  1. If you’re feeling lonely, don’t just sit home and mope .
  2. If you sense your roommate is having a bad day, go study in the library for a few hours so he/she can mope in peace.

What is the meaning of Pocha?

/ponchā/ mn. cloth countable noun. A cloth is a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose, such as cleaning.

What’s the meaning of melancholic?

Melancholic describes sadness, or a person who feels this way. Melancholic means thoughtfully sad — your summer could be melancholic if you spent the whole season feeling blue, or you might have a melancholic friend who seems sad even when he swears he’s having a good time.

What does sulking mean?

1 : the state of a person who is sullenly silent or irritable He has a case of the sulks. 2 : a sulky mood She’s in a sulk.

Is sulking immature?

Sulking can be regarded as very immature as it originates from the behaviors taken from one’s childhood. Sulking is based on unconditional claims of one’s needs and demands regardless of others needs and demands.

Are you sulking with me meaning?

/sʌlk/ to be silent and refuse to smile or be pleasant to people because you are angry about something that they have done: He’s sulking in his room because I wouldn’t let him have any more chocolate. Compare.

Is Amanda sulking and moody?

No Amanda is not sulking or moody. She does not like to listen to her parents’ constant scolding and nagging so she chooses to escape into an imaginary world.

Is Amanda really sulking?

Answer: (a) Amanda is not sulking. She just doesn’t care about instructions given to ber as she is lost in a world of her own.

What made Amanda sulk and Modi?

Ans. No, Amanda sulks and becomes moody when her mother gives her too many instructions. She does not listen to her mother and didn’t care to follow them but she can’t dare to ignore them either so, she sulks.

Why does Amanda want Rapunzel?

Amanda wants to be a Rapunzel because wants to enjoy the freedom that Rapunzel enjoyed in calmness inside the tower. She also says that she would never let her bright her down to help somebody get in the tower and dominate her.

What type of girl is Amanda?

Answer. Answer: Amanda is a moody type of girl as mentioned in the final stanza.

What did Amanda not do if she is Rapunzel?

She will not let her hair down. She feels that in that tall tower, she would do everything she wants to without anyone nagging her. She also says that she wouldn’t let her hair down unlike Rapunzel. By this, she means to say that she wouldn’t let anyone come inside the tower because she longs to live alone and freely.

What does Amanda want and why?

Amanda wants to be an orphan because she wants to live her life alone . She wants a peacefull life . She wants to roam around the street and pattern dust with her bare feet .

Why did Amanda asked not to eat chocolate?

Answer. Answer: Mother asks Amanda not to eat chocolates because she have acne. Amanda does not want let down her bright hair because she wants to live in peace.

Why should Amanda not eat chocolate?

Because chocolates create infections in the teeth of a human being which makes them feel pain and release a bad smell. Amanda was asked not to eat chocolate as she had acne before.

Would you call Amanda a disrespectful child?

ANS: Yes, we can call Amanda a disrespectful child.

What should Amanda not to do to her soldiers?

What should Amanda not to do to her soldiers? Ans. She should not hunch her soldiers.

Who does Amanda think she is why?

Answer: Amanda is a moody girl. She is nagged most of the time. She often escapes from reality, which makes her moody and uninterested.

Why does Amanda want to be a mermaid?

Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid, an orphan, or Rapunzel? Answer: Amanda wishes to be a mermaid so she could drift alone by blissfully languid, emerald sea. She yearns to be an orphan so that she is able to roam the sea and make pattern using her bare feet.

What could Amanda do if you are a mermaid?

Answer: If Amanda were a mermaid, then she would drift slowly on a languid emerald sea. She would be the sole inhabitant of the relaxed green sea and would move slowly on it.

Why is Amanda yearn Rapunzel?

Amanda wants to be Rapunzel because she feels that life in the tower will be peaceful and unusual. She thinks she will be free and live in a peaceful environment in the tower. She also confirms to herself that she will never let her hair down to anyone so that nobody could come to her in the tower.

What is the role of mermaid?

In some cultures, the mermaid signifies life and fertility within the ocean. In others, she embodies the destructive nature of the water, luring sailors to their deaths — serving as an omen for storms, unruly seas and disaster.

How do mermaids get pregnant?

The female will lay the eggs and they will be dispersed through the water where the male will fertilize them. But some fish engage in a form of intercourse or a mating ritual. There are also types of fish that can fertilize themselves. The best hypothesis for mermaid reproduction is that they mate in the same fashion.

How many hearts do mermaids have?

17 hearts

How dangerous is mermaid?

Are mermaids good or bad for humans? Though sometimes kindly, mermaids were usually dangerous to humans. Their gifts brought misfortune and could cause disasters. They sometimes lured mortals to death by drowning or enticed young people to live with them underwater.