What is the meaning of vicious?

What is the meaning of vicious?

1a : dangerously aggressive : savage a vicious dog. b : marked by violence or ferocity : fierce a vicious fight. 2 : malicious, spiteful vicious gossip. 3 : worsened by internal causes that reciprocally augment each other a vicious wage-price spiral. 4 : having the nature or quality of vice or immorality : depraved.

What does a vicious person mean?

If you’re described as vicious, you’re someone who does brutal things on purpose, out of ill-will towards others, like beating up defenseless puppies or poisoning the drinking water for a town. People (and puppies) will be wise to keep their distance.

When something is aggressive or vicious it is?

adjective. spiteful; malicious: vicious gossip;a vicious attack. savage; ferocious: They all feared his vicious temper. (of an animal) having bad habits or a cruel or fierce disposition: a vicious bull.

What is the noun of vicious?

viciousness. the characteristic of being vicious. the desire to cause harm to others; extreme cruelty.

What is the root word of vicious?

Viciously comes from the adjective vicious, which originally meant “of the nature of vice, or wicked.” The Latin root, vitiosus, means “faulty, defective, or corrupt.”

Is Vicious a character trait?

Vicious Personality Statistics Vicious is a character from Cowboy Bebop.

What is a vicious cycle?

A vicious cycle is a negative series of events that build on and reinforce each other. If you can’t you can’t get a job without experience, but you can’t get experience without a job, then you are in a vicious cycle.

What are aggressive personality traits?

The aggressive personalities are individuals whose overall “style” of interacting involves considerable, persistent, maladaptive aggression expressed in a variety of ways and in a wide range of circumstances. All of the various aggressive personalities possess characteristics common to narcissistic personalities.

Is aggression a trait?

Aggression, as a variable ofpsychologicalstudy, has the hallmarks of a deeply ingrained personality trait. The result is a set of cognitive structures that promote consistent forms of instrumental and hostile aggression over time and across situations.

Are you born with aggression?

There is much debate about whether children learn to be violent or are born with aggressive instincts but the most recent studies suggest that aggression is the “default” position and that it is a child’s ability to learn to control it that results in stark differences in behaviour between older children and …

What does passive aggressive personality mean?

Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. There’s a disconnect between what a passive-aggressive person says and what he or she does.

How do you talk to passive aggressive people?

How to deal with passive aggressive people

  1. Don’t take the bait. There’s a fine line between responding to someone who’s being passive-aggressive and engaging in the drama they’re creating.
  2. Stay in the present moment.
  3. Be assertive when talking.
  4. Make sure the punishment fits the crime.
  5. Understand your audience.

How do you respond to someone who is passive aggressive?

When someone directs a passive-aggressive comment your way, you may find yourself upset or angrily ignoring them. Instead, focus on keeping your cool and not taking the bait. Stay focused in the present and avoid acting defensively. Be assertive and express your thoughts in a direct and thoughtful way.

Is sure passive aggressive?

Sure. The tepidity of this word can not be understated. It is a weapon of passive aggressive indifference. What’s worse is that this response is not even a conscious one.

What does passive aggressive mean in a relationship?

Passive aggression is the indirect expression of anger by someone who is uncomfortable or unable to express his or her anger or hurt feelings honestly and openly. While someone’s passive aggressive behavior may make you instantly feel like you’re in the middle of a fight, that’s what he or she is trying to avoid.

Does sure mean okay?

Sure is used to signal consent, or to put it another way, willingness to go along with something. It’s often used in response to requests for permission: Alice: Would you mind if I take the car? Bob: Sure, go ahead.