What is the mood and tone of the road not taken?

What is the mood and tone of the road not taken?

The mood at the beginning of the poem reflects the warmth of the “yellow wood” and the traveler’s anticipation at having to choose his own path, so the mood feels light-hearted, even anticipatory. The tone, however, really focuses more on how Frost feels about the uncertainty of choices.

What is the purpose of the road not taken?

The author’s purpose for writing this poem was to to signify how important choices are in life. Every choice you make can have an impact on your life, so you have to choose carefully with every situation presented.

What do the two roads Symbolise?

1 Answer. The two roads symbolize the choices that one has to make in life. It is very important to make the right choice because we can never retrace our path and go back. One road would lead on to another and there is no coming back.

What is the significance of the two roads in the poem?

The two roads in the poem indicate two different paths. One is a common or desirable path while the other is a path full of difficulties. The two roads symbolise the choices that the poet faces in life. He says that he feels bad that he cannot take both.

Who does both refer to in the road not taken?

(d)Who does ‘both’ refer to? Answer. – `Both’ refers to the two roads that lay in front of the poet.

What lay equally that morning?

The lines means that in the that morning both the roads/ways the speaker come across was almost the same but one was more travelled than the other the leaves was not black which simply means that people has not walked over it .

What decision did the traveler make in the woods as the two roads equally lay before him?

What decisions did the traveler make in the woods as the two roads “equally lay” before him? The traveler decided to take the second road, but also return to take the first one on another day.

Why is the Traveller induced to stop at the Woods?

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” reads like a tribute to the beauty of nature. If he found the speaker stopping there and looking at his woods, it wouldn’t occur to him that someone was just enjoying the beauty of nature–especially on a cold night with the snow falling.

What moral lesson do you get from the poem The Road Not Taken?

The moral lesson that Frost conveys through the poem is that whenever life gives us choices, we must make the decisions wisely. He also says that the decisions must be taken independently without fearing its consequences as it is what ‘makes all the difference.

What similarities between the two roads does the traveler point out?

What similarities between the two roads does the traveler point out? They are in the forest and look the same and they both look as if not many people have walked on these roads. The speaker takes a long time to make his decision.

Is the author happy with his choice?

Answer Expert Verified Yes. The poet(Robert frost) seems to be happy by deciding the road because he feels that he want to be unique and more over he just compare the two roads with the life.. We work hard to reach the destination and be happy atlast.

Why does the speaker choose the second road?

The speaker explains that he or she chose to take the second road because it seemed more “grassy” and less worn than the first, but soon admits that the two roads were actually worn to “about the same” degree.

Which road did the speaker choose and why?

Answer. The speaker choose the second road which was less travelled, grassy and many people not used that road. He choose the less travelled road because he wanted to judge himself and check his capability about being different from others and that has made all the difference.

Why does the speaker want to go down the road less Travelled?

All the speaker knows is that he prefers the road less travelled, perhaps because he enjoys solitude and believes that to be important. Whatever the reason, once committed, he’ll more than likely never look back.

Do you think the road the speaker took was really the less Travelled one Why?

Why? I believe that the road the speaker took was the less traveled one. It is because the speaker thinks that the path, he is taking will get him in the sameplace no matter which way he travels at.

Why did Frost choose the road which was grassy and not used much?

Answer. The poet choose the road which was less travelled by because it was covered by grass and it was clean and beautiful and wanted wear because very few people had travelled by that road. The poet was adventurous and wanted to discover hoe that road was. He wanted to do so something different from the other people.

What did the speaker notice about the two roads?

Had worn them really about the same, Notice how the speaker tells us that the other road is “just as fair” and that the two roads have been worn “really about the same.” He does note that one of the roads seemed to look a little better because it was a bit more grassy and seemed slightly less worn.

Where were the two roads What was the author’s difficulty?

The two roads were diverged in the yellow woods meaning that they diverged in the woods. The author was in a dilemma in choosing which road to take between the two that lay in front of him. The poet is concerned with a choice made between the two roads. This was the poet’s difficulty.