What is the opposite of collegial?

What is the opposite of collegial?

Encumbering, Preventing, unsociable, unhelpful, inimical, cool, pugnacious, disputatious, hindering, unfriendly, frosty, argumentative, disobliging, uncoordinated, divided, uncooperative, glacial, truculent, hostile, bellicose, disjoint, cold-blooded, disunited, contentious, unsocial, combative, belligerent, frigid.

What is a antonym for find?

find. Antonyms: miss, elude, overlook, lose, withhold, withdraw, misconstrue. Synonyms: meet, confront, ascertain, experience, perceive, discover, furnish, invent.

What is the opposite of collaborative?

What is the opposite of collaborative?

single sole
independent singular
solitary companionless
individual isolated
lone unaccompanied

What is a antonym for accommodate?

accommodate. Antonyms: inconvenience, disoblige, disturb, misfit, incommode, deprive, aggravate. Synonyms: convenience, oblige, adapt, supply, reconcile, suit, fit, adjust, furnish, serve, harmonize.

What’s another word for accommodation?

What is another word for accommodation?

quarters residence
lodging house
lodgings digs
dwelling place
rooms habitation

What is a better word for accommodate?

accommodate. Synonyms: convenience, oblige, adapt, supply, reconcile, suit, fit, adjust, furnish, serve, harmonize. Antonyms: inconvenience, disoblige, disturb, misfit, incommode, deprive, aggravate.

What are three synonyms accommodate?

SYNONYMS FOR accommodate 1 serve, aid, assist, help, abet.

What’s the opposite of burden?

Antonyms for burden blessing, peace, help, encouragement, tranquility, contentment, aid, exculpation, exoneration, advantage, assistance, ease, happiness, relief, calmness, praise, irresponsibility, benefit, promotion.

What is a antonym of hospitable?

hospitable. Antonyms: unsociable, exclusive, retired, unneighborly, churlish, recluse. Synonyms: sociable, neighborly, charitable.

Which is the closest antonym for the word legal?

antonyms of legal

  • illegal.
  • illegitimate.
  • invalid.
  • unacceptable.
  • unlawful.
  • illicit.
  • wrong.

What’s another word for gracious?


  • affable,
  • cordial,
  • genial,
  • hospitable,
  • sociable.

How do you become aloof?

Being aloof is all about seeming disinterested, so don’t get into the deep stuff during conversation. Stick to surface-level topics like work, weather, current events, and sports. Avoid sharing details about your personal life and don’t encourage other people to do so. Don’t ask questions.

How can I be polite and distant?

Polite is perfect for being distant. Don’t call except to return a call. Don’t accept any invitations – always respond but decline politely with a believable excuse if necessary. Attend weddings, funerals, bar mitzvahs and memorials.

Why have I become so distant?

A number of traits and mental illnesses lead to a distant personality. Insecure attachment styles, like reactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder, can make people hesitant to start up conversations, seek comfort in the company of others, or ask for what they want directly.

How do you ask someone to be distant?

And keep in mind these 15 helpful hints if you’re experiencing some distance from your partner, and you want to do something about it.

  1. Ask Questions.
  2. Acknowledge What Is Happening.
  3. Give Them Space.
  4. See If The Distance Is Intentional.
  5. Let Them Air Their Thoughts.
  6. Let Some Time Go By.
  7. Take An Honest Look At Yourself.

Should you ask why someone is being distant?

If someone you love is being distant, there’s certainly a reason. That reason may have nothing to do with you (your relationship) though. You can try to ask if s/he is ok – but don’t press it. If the answer is “no,” just remind the person that you’re there for them, then drop it and continue as normal.

Why is my girlfriend so distant?

But when somebody’s being distant, it’s usually because they’re concealing some kind of conflict that they don’t know how to talk about. So your girlfriend is pissed off at you, but she doesn’t want to discuss her specific grievance. So she’s trying to smother her feelings, rather than open up.

How can you tell if a girl is distancing herself?

10 Signs She is No Longer Into You

  1. 1 You Just Know.
  2. 2 She Talks About Other Guys Even if They Are Just Friends.
  3. 3 She is on Her Phone When She is With You.
  4. 4 She Doesn’t Like to be Touched as Much.
  5. 5 She Posts More “Selfies”
  6. 6 She Starts Going Out More.
  7. 7 She Replies to Texts Vaguely.
  8. 8 She No Longer Sleeps With You.

Why do girls distance herself?

In most cases, it simply means that she wants to be absolutely sure that she wants to continue dating you and move forward with the relationship. When she comes back from “distancing” herself, she’ll likely be a little more sure of her feelings for you, and more confident in her decision to be with you.

What is the opposite of collegial?

What is the opposite of collegial?

Encumbering, Preventing, unsociable, unhelpful, inimical, cool, pugnacious, disputatious, hindering, unfriendly, frosty, argumentative, disobliging, uncoordinated, divided, uncooperative, glacial, truculent, hostile, bellicose, disjoint, cold-blooded, disunited, contentious, unsocial, combative, belligerent, frigid.

What is the opposite of collaborative?

What is the opposite of collaborative?

single sole
independent singular
solitary companionless
individual isolated
lone unaccompanied

What is a antonym for accommodate?

accommodate. Antonyms: inconvenience, disoblige, disturb, misfit, incommode, deprive, aggravate. Synonyms: convenience, oblige, adapt, supply, reconcile, suit, fit, adjust, furnish, serve, harmonize.

What is a better word for accommodate?

accommodate. Synonyms: convenience, oblige, adapt, supply, reconcile, suit, fit, adjust, furnish, serve, harmonize. Antonyms: inconvenience, disoblige, disturb, misfit, incommode, deprive, aggravate.

What are three synonyms accommodate?

SYNONYMS FOR accommodate 1 serve, aid, assist, help, abet.

What’s the opposite of burden?

Antonyms for burden blessing, peace, help, encouragement, tranquility, contentment, aid, exculpation, exoneration, advantage, assistance, ease, happiness, relief, calmness, praise, irresponsibility, benefit, promotion.

What is a antonym of hospitable?

hospitable. Antonyms: unsociable, exclusive, retired, unneighborly, churlish, recluse. Synonyms: sociable, neighborly, charitable.

Which is the closest antonym for the word legal?

antonyms of legal

  • illegal.
  • illegitimate.
  • invalid.
  • unacceptable.
  • unlawful.
  • illicit.
  • wrong.

What’s another word for gracious?


  • affable,
  • cordial,
  • genial,
  • hospitable,
  • sociable.

How can I be polite and distant?

Polite is perfect for being distant. Don’t call except to return a call. Don’t accept any invitations – always respond but decline politely with a believable excuse if necessary. Attend weddings, funerals, bar mitzvahs and memorials.

Why have I become so distant?

A number of traits and mental illnesses lead to a distant personality. Insecure attachment styles, like reactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder, can make people hesitant to start up conversations, seek comfort in the company of others, or ask for what they want directly.

How do you ask someone to be distant?

And keep in mind these 15 helpful hints if you’re experiencing some distance from your partner, and you want to do something about it.

  1. Ask Questions.
  2. Acknowledge What Is Happening.
  3. Give Them Space.
  4. See If The Distance Is Intentional.
  5. Let Them Air Their Thoughts.
  6. Let Some Time Go By.
  7. Take An Honest Look At Yourself.

Should you ask why someone is being distant?

If someone you love is being distant, there’s certainly a reason. That reason may have nothing to do with you (your relationship) though. You can try to ask if s/he is ok – but don’t press it. If the answer is “no,” just remind the person that you’re there for them, then drop it and continue as normal.

Why is my girlfriend so distant?

But when somebody’s being distant, it’s usually because they’re concealing some kind of conflict that they don’t know how to talk about. So your girlfriend is pissed off at you, but she doesn’t want to discuss her specific grievance. So she’s trying to smother her feelings, rather than open up.

How can you tell if a girl is distancing herself?

10 Signs She is No Longer Into You

  1. 1 You Just Know.
  2. 2 She Talks About Other Guys Even if They Are Just Friends.
  3. 3 She is on Her Phone When She is With You.
  4. 4 She Doesn’t Like to be Touched as Much.
  5. 5 She Posts More “Selfies”
  6. 6 She Starts Going Out More.
  7. 7 She Replies to Texts Vaguely.
  8. 8 She No Longer Sleeps With You.

Why do girls distance herself?

In most cases, it simply means that she wants to be absolutely sure that she wants to continue dating you and move forward with the relationship. When she comes back from “distancing” herself, she’ll likely be a little more sure of her feelings for you, and more confident in her decision to be with you.