What is the opposite word for adults?

What is the opposite word for adults?

Antonym of Adult

Word Antonym
Adult Child
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the antonym for later?

Antonyms of LATER before, advanced, earlier, advance, fore, early.

What’s another word for later on?

What is another word for later on?

subsequent ensuing
later following
succeeding successive
after coming
consequent latter

What’s another word for subsequently?

What is another word for subsequently?

afterward afterwards
later then
consequently ensuingly
latterly next
thereafter after

What is the difference between subsequently and consequently?

Consequently is a conjunctive adverb that means accordingly, therefore, or as a result: Chris failed the course and consequently was ineligible to graduate. The adverb subsequently means then, later, or next (following in time, order, or place): Lori graduated from college and subsequently moved to Springfield.

How do you use the word subsequently?

Subsequently Sentence Examples

  1. He subsequently wrote an account of his experiences.
  2. When I subsequently talked with her she said: I have something very funny to tell you.
  3. The enemy’s fleet, which subsequently did not let a single boat pass, allows his entire army to elude it.
  4. Koch subsequently improved the method.

What comes after subsequently?

As a preposition after is subsequently to; following in time; later than.

When should I use subsequently?

“Subsequently” is an adverb meaning “occurring later or after something else.” It is, therefore, used when describing a series of events wherein one thing followed another: President Nixon was heavily criticized for his involvement in the Watergate scandal of 1972. He subsequently resigned from office in 1974.

Do I need a comma after subsequently?

A compound sentence with “subsequently” contains at least two independent clauses. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon.

Is it correct to say but nevertheless?

It isn’t redundant, not least because but is a conjunction and nevertheless is an adverb. The OED has around 40 citations for but nevertheless, including this, for example, from the poet Stephen Spender: Leaves of Grass is a vague, formless, but nevertheless impressive and rhapsodic Aeneid of the American Civil War.

Is nevertheless a formal word?

We can use either of the adverbs however or nevertheless to indicate that the second point we wish to make contrasts with the first point. The difference is one of formality: nevertheless is bit more formal and emphatic than however.

Where does nevertheless come from?

It’s likely that nevertheless evolved from the Middle English neverthelater, a word with the same sense of “despite anything to the contrary” and “notwithstanding.” You might say of your siblings, “Sure we bicker and get sick of each other sometimes. Nevertheless, they’re family and I love them.”

How do you use the word nevertheless?

(sentence adverb), (formal) You use nevertheless to add surprising information or something in contrast to what was already said or written. Morgan stopped working as a doctor in 1973. Nevertheless, he remained active in medical research until his death. We are seriously over budget.

Have still meaning?

1. adverb [ADVERB before verb] If a situation that used to exist still exists, it has continued and exists now.

What is a synonym for happening?


  • adventure.
  • circumstance.
  • contingency.
  • fate.
  • fluke.
  • fortuity.
  • fortune.
  • happening.

What is it called when something keeps happening?

recurrence. noun. formal the process of happening again, either once or several times.

What does ensued mean?

intransitive verb. : to take place afterward or as a result.

What does swifter mean?

Moving or capable of moving with great speed; fast. See Synonyms at fast1. 2. Coming, occurring, or accomplished quickly: a swift retort.