What is the predicate in the following sentence?

What is the predicate in the following sentence?

The predicate of a sentence is the part that modifies the subject in some way. Because the subject is the person, place, or thing that a sentence is about, the predicate must contain a verb explaining what the subject does and can also include a modifier.

What is subject and predicate in sentence?

Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate tells something about the subject.

What is complement in predicate?

Adjective complements are also called predicate adjectives; noun complements are also called predicate nouns or predicate nominatives. See predicates, above. An object complement follows and modifies or refers to a direct object. It can be a noun or adjective or any word acting as a noun or adjective.

Is an indirect object a complement?

An indirect object is a noun that identifies for whom the action of the verb is performed or to whom the direct object goes. Example: My mom sent me money. An object complement renames or describes the object. Like a subject complement, it can be a noun or an adjective.

How do you compliment someone?

75 Compliments to Use When You Want to Say Something Nice

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

What are you doing subject and predicate?

Answer. Answer: What is subject and Are you doing her is predicate.

How do you identify subject and predicate?

Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate tells something about the subject. In the following sentences, the predicate is enclosed in braces ({}), while the subject is highlighted. Judy {runs}.7 วันที่ผ่านมา

How do you identify the subject and predicate of an exclamatory sentence?

Finding the subject and predicate of an exclamatory sentence is no different than finding these things in a declarative or an interrogative sentence. The subject is a noun, the name of a person, place, or thing, and will be at the beginning of the sentence. The predicate is a verb—the action word—following the noun.

How beautiful is subject and predicate?

Answer. She is subject and Beautiful is the predicate.

How big is the tree subject and predicate?

Answer. the tree is very large.