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What is the process of Circle justice?

What is the process of Circle justice?

Everyone present, the victim, victim’s family, the offender, offender’s family, and community representatives are given a voice in the proceedings. Participants typically speak as they pass a “talking piece” around the circle. The process is value driven.

What does circle justice mean?

Circle justice is a Native American form of justice originating in Canada that tries to avoid simple punishments i.e. you yelled and ruined a teachers lesson so go to the principal! The victim must accept and agree to circle justice, and together, with the community, they come up with a plan.

What is Circle justice and how does it work?

Circle Peacemaking is a form of restorative justice that involves both a sentencing and a healing process for the victim and the accused. The idea is to promote a better community and address deeper issues between the conflicting people.

What are peace circles?

The peacemaking circle is a process that brings together individuals who wish to engage in conflict resolution, healing, support, decision making or other activities in which honest communications, relationship development, and community building are core desired outcomes.

What is the purpose of restorative circles?

A circle is a versatile restorative practice that can be used proactively, to develop relationships and build community or reactively, to respond to wrongdoing, conflicts and problems. Circles give people an opportunity to speak and listen to one another in an atmosphere of safety, decorum and equality.

What are the benefits of Circle justice?

What are the benefits of using Circles to resolve complaints?

  • Rather than focusing on what policies have been violated, Circles instead help identify who has been hurt and what must be done to repair the harm.
  • In a Circle, all parties work together to develop an agreement that resolves the issue.

What are the four elements of justice?

The elements Schmidtz identifies are desert, reciprocity, equality, and need. These elements help us to establish what justice requires.

What are the two types of justice?

Aristotle divides justice – understood as fairness in individuals’ shares – into two forms, distributive and corrective.