What is the purpose of this passage it explains why the person telling the story is fascinated with Russian history?

What is the purpose of this passage it explains why the person telling the story is fascinated with Russian history?

What is the purpose of this passage? It explains why the person telling the story is fascinated with Russian history. It provides background on how a family from Russia got into the sugar business. It explains that beets can be grown, processed, and refined into sugar for market.

What is the purpose of this passage sugar change the world?

How do the details in this passage support the authors’ purpose? The comparison of honey to sugar production helps persuade readers that honey is better than sugar. The details about sugar’s dependency on slavery help inform readers about why sugar was inexpensive.

What purpose does the prologue serve select three options sugar changed the world?

Answer Expert Verified The three correct choices are: a) to provide background information – The prologue is used to help the reader to understand the setting of the story before reading.

What is the purpose of the heading in this passage?

The purpose of the heading in this passage is to distinguish who is telling the story.

How do the details in this passage support the author’s purpose in sugar change the world?

How do the details in this passage support the author’s purpose? The details about families leaving for a better life inform readers about the status of the author’s family. The details about the changing laws in France help inform readers that Napoleon wanted to produce sugar cheaply by using enslaved people.

How does the conclusion of the prologue support the author’s purpose select two options Brainly?

It introduces the topic that will be addressed next. It provides information about the authors. It states why the topic is relevant to readers. It cites sources the authors used in the text.

How do authors support their claim and purpose with their choice of words?

How do the authors support their claim and purpose with word choice? by using imagery that appeals to the sense of sound. by including words with mostly positive connotations. by using descriptive words that entertain readers.

How do authors support their claim?

Authors using logic to support their claims will include a combination of different types of evidence. analogies and logical reasoning. citation of recognized experts on the issue.

How does the author use of the word silence affect the tone?

How does the author’s use of the word silence affect the tone? Silence has a negative connotation, indicating that the owners would not tolerate protests.

Which expert from the passage best states the authors claim?

Answer: “It was some of the worst labor.” states the authors’ claim.

What is the purpose of this passage sugar changed the world I wanted to know?

helped to change the course of the history of sugar”, leading to the desperate attempts “to find a new way to create sugar”. Thus, this passage provides a background on how the Russian serf and his family began to get involved into the sugar business.

How the sugar trade changed the world?

Sugar drove the forced migration and even enslavement of many Africans which made an impact across the entire world. With the rise of the sugar demand to slavery, this good led to the trading of slaves which had its own trade and economical impact in and of itself.