What is the root word of understanding?

What is the root word of understanding?

Understand seems like a pretty straightforward English word. When we understand we “get it,” “catch the drift” or “get a handle on it.” The root of comprehend is the Latin prehendere, grasp. Perceive comes from capere, “take hold of.” Many languages refer to these metaphors in their vocabulary of understanding.

What is the mind in Greek?

Nous, (Greek: “mind” or “intellect”) in philosophy, the faculty of intellectual apprehension and of intuitive thought. It is sometimes identified with the highest or divine intellect.

What does the Greek word demos mean?

1 : populace. 2 : the common people of an ancient Greek state.

What is a Monocrat?

Government or rule by a single person; autocracy. mon′o·crat′ (mŏn′ə-krăt′) n. mon′o·crat′ic adj.

What is another name for jail?

What is another word for jail?

prison jailhouse
clink cooler
brig inside
slammer stir
calaboose jug

What does Mobocracy mean?

rule by the mob

What does autarchy mean?

autarchy in British English 1. unlimited rule; autocracy. 2. self-government; self-rule.

What is the meaning of anarchic?

1a : of, relating to, or advocating anarchy. b : likely to bring about anarchy anarchic violence. 2 : lacking order, regularity, or definiteness anarchic art forms.

What is a mobocracy in government?

Definitions of mobocracy. noun. a political system in which a mob is the source of control; government by the masses.

What oligarchy means?

Oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies.

What is the meaning of plutocracy?

Plutocracy is a government controlled exclusively by the wealthy, either directly or indirectly. This can then result in policies exclusively designed to assist the wealthy, which is reflected in its name (comes from the Greek words “ploutos” or wealthy, and “kratos”—power, ruling).

What is the best definition of gerontocracy?

: rule by elders specifically : a form of social organization in which a group of old men or a council of elders dominates or exercises control.

Is America an oligarchy or plutocracy?

The modern United States has also been described as an oligarchy because some literature has shown that economic elites and organized groups representing special interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent …

What is the opposite of flippant?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms flippant. Antonyms: flattering, servile, obsequious, accurate, considerate, deferential, complimentary, respectful. Synonyms: pert, forward, superficial, thoughtless, saucy, malapert.

What is a flippant response?

Filters. The definition of flippant is disrespectful or the lack of a serious attitude. An example of flippant is when you make a sarcastic comment in response to a serious question. adjective.

What is flippant nature?

adjective. frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity: The audience was shocked by his flippant remarks about patriotism.

What does wafted mean?

: to move or go lightly on or as if on a buoyant medium heavenly aromas wafted from the kitchen. transitive verb. : to cause to move or go lightly by or as if by the impulse of wind or waves.

Is offhand an idiom?

Idiom: ‘Off-hand’ Meaning: Off-hand means without preparation. People say that they don’t know the answer off-hand, meaning that they don’t know it at that time.