What is the scientific word for pee?

What is the scientific word for pee?

It is also known medically as micturition, voiding, uresis, or, rarely, emiction, and known colloquially by various names including peeing, weeing, and pissing.

How do you say poop nicely?


  1. crap.
  2. defecation.
  3. discharge.
  4. dung.
  5. excrement.
  6. excretion.
  7. fecal matter.
  8. feces.

What are words for poop?

Synonyms of poop

  • dirt,
  • doo-doo,
  • dropping,
  • dung,
  • excrement,
  • excreta,
  • feces,
  • ordure,

How do you describe someone’s brain?

Informal. a very intelligent or brilliant person.

What is the word for brain activity?

Noun. Cerebral function. cerebral function. cognitive function.

What is brain power called?

1 : intellectual ability. 2 : people with developed intellectual ability.

What is another word for intelligence?

What is another word for intelligence?

intellect brains
insight nous
smarts wisdom
alertness cleverness
discernment intellectuality

What brain up means?

verb (tr) to make more intellectually demanding or sophisticatedwe need to brain up the curriculum.

What can I say instead of picking my brain?

10 Less Gory Alternatives to “I’d Like to Pick Your Brain”

  • I’d like to draw on your experience.
  • I’d like to learn from your prior work.
  • I’d really appreciate your perspective.
  • I would benefit from your viewpoint.
  • Your background would be very helpful.
  • Your experiences would be insightful.

Can I pick your brain example?

I’m always amused by who’s willing to pick your brain. She doesn’t have that ‘I want to pick your brain’ thing. He loves to ask questions, pick your brain a little bit on stuff. “If I could just pick your brain: What do you think of the candy-bar style?” Mermelstein asked.

Can I pick your brain or brains?

Accomplished people in business tend to dislike the use of the phrase ‘can I pick your brain. ‘ The phrase can be too vague, and indicates that the person asking the question will be taking, rather than giving, in the exchange. Instead, try to ask a more specific question and mention what you can offer in return.

How do I pick her brain?

7 Ways to Pick Someone’s Brain Without Being a Pest

  1. Get on his or her radar.
  2. Have one specific question or favor in mind.
  3. Address your message directly.
  4. Honor his time.
  5. Consider alternative venues.
  6. Show your gratitude.
  7. Be an active part of his or her network.

How do you ask to pick your brain?

How to Ask “Can I Pick Your Brain?”

  1. Use email. That way, the other person can respond at their leisure.
  2. Be specific. Give them a specific amount of time you want to talk to them and keep it short.
  3. Ask to talk on the phone.

What do you do when someone asks to pick your brain?

Here are 3 things you can say/do when someone asks the dreaded question, “can I pick your brain?”

  1. Tip #1: Ask them to define their questions in an email with THIS response (feel free to copy & paste it!)
  2. Tip #2: Have a Resources/FAQ page that you can direct them to.
  3. Tip #3: Ask if they want to trade services.

How do you get into someone’s mind?

How to Persuade People: 17 Tactics to Get Inside Someone’s Mind

  1. This is how to persuade people.
  2. #1 Have confidence.
  3. #2 Really listen.
  4. #3 Build relationships.
  5. #4 Know when to shut up.
  6. #5 Back off sometimes.
  7. #6 Don’t push.
  8. #7 Sound secure.

What to say to someone who asks who you are?

We can start answering the question by:

  • Decoding Your Personality and Core Values. Ask yourself what’s most important to you. What makes you happy?
  • Discovering Your Passions. What drives you? Inspires you?
  • Discovering Your Skills. What are you good at?
  • Sum up with a personal statement as an example.

How do you explore someone’s mind?

Five Ways To Read Someone’s Mind

  1. Start With Generational Differences. Understanding someone’s generation can give insight about how he or she thinks.
  2. Recognize Hot Buttons.
  3. Consider Personalities.
  4. Look for Nonverbal Communication.
  5. Be a Good Listener.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind game?

Human Brain Cloud is a very simple massively multiplayer word association game. The idea is, given a random word, a player types the first thing that comes to mind.