What is the synonyms of allow?

What is the synonyms of allow?

To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have. To acknowledge; to accept as true; to concede; to accede to an opinion.

What is the meaning of allows?

to give permission to or for; permit: to allow a student to be absent; No swimming allowed. to let have; give as one’s share; grant as one’s right: to allow a person $100 for expenses. to permit by neglect, oversight, or the like: to allow a door to remain open. to admit; acknowledge; concede: to allow a claim.

What is the antonym for allow?

Words popularity by usage frequency

ranking word
#23833 forbid
#31947 disapprove
#32325 disallow
#82810 repudiate

What type of verb is allow?


Is allow or is allowed?

Use “allow” in present, or future, tense and “allowed” in the past tense. If someone says they are “allowed” to do something, they are referring to permission that was granted to them in the past. In English, the “-ed” ending is always attached to represent past-tense. It’s a rule for any English verb.

How do you use the verb allow?

allow somebody/something to do something His parents won’t allow him to stay out late. He allowed his mind to wander….

  1. You’re allowed an hour to complete the test.
  2. I’m not allowed visitors.
  3. I allow myself a treat now and then.
  4. I sometimes allow myself the luxury of a cigar.

What is the second form of Allow?

The past tense of allow is allowed. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of allow is allows. The present participle of allow is allowing. The past participle of allow is allowed.

When you allow someone to do something what does that mean?

to let someone or something do something; to let something happen or be done allow somebody to do something His parents won’t allow him to stay out late.

How do you give permission?

  1. On your Android device, open the Settings app .
  2. Tap Apps & notifications.
  3. Tap Advanced. App permissions.
  4. Select a permission, like Calendar, Location, or Phone.
  5. Choose which apps should have access to that permission.

How do you give someone permission?

Ways of giving permission – thesaurus

  1. yes. adverb. used when you are giving permission.
  2. of course. adverb. used for giving someone permission in a polite way.
  3. certainly. adverb.
  4. all right. adjective.
  5. if you want. phrase.
  6. by all means. phrase.
  7. as you wish. phrase.
  8. I don’t see why not. phrase.

What should you say if you walk in front of someone?

Originally Answered: If you walk in front of someone, what do you say? please excuse me or excuse me please.

Is it rude to walk in front of someone?

yes it is rude. you should walk at the same pace as the people you are with. otherwise you are just two people going to the same place, not two people doing something together.

What do you say when you meet someone?

Here’s the first thing you can say when you meet someone:

  1. Hello! How are you?
  2. Hi. It’s nice to meet you.
  3. How is your day going?
  4. What do you do?
  5. Where are you from?
  6. How do you find the weather? Do you find that it’s very cold?
  7. Did you have any trouble getting here? How was the journey?
  8. What’s your role in the company?

What should we say when we ask for something?

When you ask someone for something, or you ask them to do something for you, it is essential to be as polite as possible. Here are some ways that you can be polite. A “hello” and a smile go a long way! Say “hello” at the beginning of your request.

How do you beg professionally?

Here are the primary action steps to take:

  1. Act as if you expect to get it.
  2. Ask someone who can give it to you.
  3. Get the other person’s full attention.
  4. Be clear and specific.
  5. Ask from the heart.
  6. Ask with humor and creativity.
  7. Give something to get something.
  8. Ask repeatedly.

How do you ask politely if the work is done?

‘Can’ would also be fine to use however. Then, you can add something like “as soon as you are able to”, or add a reasonable but short time-frame that you’d like the task completed by. If it’s urgent, say the day you need the task done by- but hopefully you’d able to make a request before it’s super urgent.

How do you politely ask?

Another way of making direct questions more polite is to add “please” at the end of the question….Key Words That Make Direct Questions More Polite

  1. Excuse me, could you help me pick this up?
  2. Pardon me, could you help me?
  3. Pardon me, could you give me a hand?
  4. Could you explain this to me?

Can polite request example?

A third modal for making polite requests is could. For example, “Could I please have some water?” Could is the past tense of can. However, when asking for permission, could does not have a past tense meaning. Could has the same meaning as may when making requests.

How do you politely remind your boss to pay you?

Say something like, “Hey, boss, when am I getting my paycheck?” Then, be quiet. If they answer, “We don’t have the money to pay you.” Leave.

How do you ask a rich person for money?

Make sure you’re concise Explain your situation concisely. Let them know why you need the money and explain what you plan to do with any money you receive. In the initial request, don’t go on too much. Instead, say that if they’re interested, they can contact you for further details.

How do you politely ask your boss for money?

  1. Don’t be afraid to broach the subject.
  2. Make money the main topic of conversation.
  3. Provide evidence.
  4. Formulate your request ahead of time.
  5. Don’t give an ultimatum.
  6. Have a plan in case the answer is no.

How do you remind your boss?

If your manager seems to have forgotten about your request, don’t accuse him or her of not doing the work by saying, “Where are those figures I asked for?” For a simple yet effective reminder, just say, for example, “I was wondering if you’ve had the chance to calculate those figures.” It’s a non-threatening way to …

How do you ask for a payment professionally?

To request payment professionally, it’s important to first make sure there was no error or miscommunication about the invoice. Send a polite email to your client explaining that the payment is now past due and ask to make sure they received the initial invoice and there were no problems with it.

How do you formally ask for something?

Fortunately, the structure of a formal email of request is very simple:

  1. You start the email or letter by explaining what you are writing about (the topic/subject) and what the email’s purpose is (i.e. you want to ask them some questions or for something).
  2. Then in the next section, you ask them the questions or requests.

How do you write a polite email request?


  1. Organise the letter clearly into:
  2. Don’t go into too much personal detail when explaining the problem, as this is a formal situation with a person you don’t know well.
  3. To make polite requests use the phrase I would be grateful if you could …
  4. Using nouns instead of verbs can make your writing sound more formal.

What is an example of a request sentence?

Simple Sentences used for Request : Do you think you could lend me some money? I wonder whether you could give me a car. I am sorry to trouble you but I need your help. I hope you don’t mind if l asked the money.

How do you politely ask for something ASAP?

Consider these alternatives:

  1. As soon as possible, or _____. Use this to say that something’s urgent, but can wait until a specific deadline if necessary.
  2. Promptly. This one can serve as a nudge by suggesting the recipient has been less than prompt.
  3. At your earliest convenience.
  4. Whenever you’re able.

How do you ask for an urgent reply?

If something is urgent, use the following expressions: “As this matter is urgent, I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.” “I would be grateful for your prompt reply.” “I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.”